émirat de transjordanie

The first government was composed of four Syrians, a Palestinian, a Hijazi and only one native Transjordanian. The applicable parts of the Mandate for Palestine were stated in a decision of 16 September 1922, which provided for the separate administration of Transjordan. This affected the goals of Revisionist Zionism, which sought a state on both banks of the Jordan. Autres discussions . Agrandi du port de Aqaba (1925), il est fermé aux établissements sionistes. Cet article donne la liste des reines consorts de l'Émirat hachémite de Transjordanie (1921-1946) et du Royaume hachémite de Jordanie (1946). [12] The geographical area that was later to become Transjordan was allocated to Britain. L'accord allouait aux Britanniques les zones géographiques qui correspondent aujourd'hui au désert du Néguev (Israël), au sud de la Cisjordanie (État de Palestine), à la Jordanie et au sud de l'Irak ainsi qu'une enclave autour du port de Haïfa et de la ville d'Acre[8]. ", Article 1 of the February 1928 agreement stated: "His Highness the Amir agrees that His Britannic Majesty shall be represented in Trans-Jordan by a British Resident acting on behalf of the High Commissioner for Trans-Jordan. From July 1915 to March 1916, a series of ten letters were exchanged between Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, and Lieutenant Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner to Egypt. This arrangement was confirmed in a 27 March 1921, meeting between then colonial secretary, Winston Churchill, and Amir Abdullah. En novembre 1917, le gouvernement britannique publie la Déclaration Balfour par laquelle il déclare « envisage[r] favorablement l'établissement en Palestine d'un Foyer national pour les Juifs et [qu'il] fera tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour faciliter la réalisation de cet objectif (...). It is not clear whether this action was completed. nécessaire]).Un émirat peut avoir un statut d'État indépendant, de province d'un État souverain, ou d'État fédéré tels ceux des Émirats arabes unis qui unit sept émirats. Le consentement des notables Palestiniens ne vise en réalité qu’à stabiliser sa base populaire. Le mandat britannique se termine le 22 mars 1946[12]. Après la conférence du Caire de 1921, le contrôle du territoire est transféré à Abdallah Ier, troisième fils de Hussein ben Ali, chérif de La Mecque, sous la surveillance d'un représentant britannique. The British offered financial assistance, administrative guidance and military support from Palestine upon request and maintained a watchful position. The southern region of Ma'an-Aqaba, a large area with a small population of just 10,000,[46] was administered by OETA East (later the Arab Kingdom of Syria, and then Mandatory Transjordan) and claimed by the Kingdom of Hejaz. "Foundations of British Policy in the Arab World: The Cairo Conference of 1921", Aaron S. Klieman, Johns Hopkins, 1970. are responsible under the mandate for Palestine"", Biger described this meeting as follows: "Sovereignty over the Arava, from the south of the Dead Sea to Aqaba, was also discussed. ", sfn error: multiple targets (3×): CITEREFWilson1990 (. In early 1921, prior to the convening of the Cairo Conference, the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office set out the situation as follows: Distinction to be drawn between Palestine and Trans-Jordan under the Mandate. Il y a 100 ans, en avril 1921, était créé l’émirat de Transjordanie. « This accord depended on the fulfilment of Arab national claims by the Peace Conference and also on the Palestinian Arabs’ compliance. Carte de 1916 annexée aux Accords de Sykes et Picot représentant les sphères d'influence respectives entre les Français et Britanniques au Levant. We can confirm this recognition of ours even if our forces do not currently control major parts of Transjordan.’"[18] In default of this assumption Trans-Jordan would be left, under article 132 of the Treaty of Sèvres, to the disposal of the principal Allied Powers. Both claimed in 1908; territories formed in 1962 (British Antarctic Territory) and 1985 (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands). Philby claimed that Emir Abdullah had his father's permission to negotiate over the future of the sanjak of Ma'an, which was actually ruled by him, and that he could therefore 'afford to concede' the area west of the Arava in favour of Palestine. This concession was made following British pressure and against the background of the demands of the Zionist Organization for direct contact between Palestine and the Red Sea. "Emirate of east Jordan"), officially known as the Amirate of Trans-Jordan, was a British protectorate established on 11 April 1921.[4][1][2]. De la création de l'émirat de Transjordanie il y a 100 ans à la crise de ces derniers jours au sein de la monarchie, rappel des dates-clés du royaume hachémite. The Near East and Africa, Volume V, Page 603, Abdullah entered the region in November 1920, Timeline of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, British Mandate for Palestine (legal instrument), administered by OETA East (later the Arab Kingdom of Syria, and then Mandatory Transjordan) and claimed by the Kingdom of Hejaz, Empires of the sand: the struggle for mastery in the Middle East, 1789–1923, By Efraim Karsh, Inari Karsh, "The Impact of Ottoman Reforms:Tanzimat, administrative boundaries and Ottoman cadastre", "The Hashemites and the Creation of Transjordan Nadine Méouchy Norig Neveu and Myriam Ababsa", "Amir Abdullah's Bodyguard on Camels with Red, Green and White Standard at Far Left", "Jordan – History – The Making of Transjordan", "Mandate for Palestine – Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations (31 December 1924)". L' émirat de Transjordanie (arabe : إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique (1921-1946) créé en avril 1921 à la suite d'accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes de la dynastie hachémite en échange de leur révolte contre les Ottomans La Transjordanie, région marginale dans l'économie du Proche-Orient, commence … En 1946, l'Émirat de Transjordanie devint un royaume dont Amman est la capitale, le siège du gouvernement et le centre commercial, légal et administratif de Royaume hachémite de Jordanie. Il est attribué à Abdallah, second fils du chérif Hussein qui organisa au profit des Britanniques la révolte arabe contre l'empire ottoman en échange d'un royaume arabe qui ne verra jamais le jour. [44][45], The southern border between Transjordan and Arabia was considered strategic for Transjordan in order to avoid being landlocked, with intended access to the sea via the Port of Aqaba. L'émirat De Transjordanie télécharger png sans restrictions - Le Groupe Emirates Airline Airbus A380 Écossais Junior Cup - L'émirat de Transjordanie,L'émirat de Transjordanie Empire Ottoman Royaume de l'Irak Révolte Arabe - de la mer morte,Royal Jordanian Armée des Forces Armées Jordaniennes de l'Émirat de Transjordanie - l'armée [82], Transjordan applied for membership of the United Nations on 26 June 1946. [51], The location of the Eastern border between Transjordan and Iraq was considered strategic with respect to the proposed construction of what became the Kirkuk–Haifa oil pipeline. Ibn Saud privately agreed to respect this position in an exchange of letters at the time of the 1927 Treaty of Jeddah. Suppression; Neutralité ; Droit d'auteur; Article de qualité; Bon article; Lumière sur; À faire; Archives; Revenir à la page « Émirat de Transjordanie ». The Palestine Order in Council, 1922, which established the legal basis for the Mandatory Government in Palestine, explicitly excluded Transjordan from its application apart from giving the High Commissioner some discretionary power there. Le contenu est disponible sous licence CC BY-SA 3.0 sauf mention contraire. La région administrée par l'émirat . Cet émirat sera démantelé à partir de 2001. Palestine and Trans-Jordan do not, therefore, stand upon quite the same footing. Les interprétations contradictoires de cette description furent par la suite sujettes à de lourdes controverses. [58] The British military force was the primary obstacle against the Ikhwan between 1922 and 1924, and was also utilized to help Abdullah with the suppression of local rebellions at Kura,[59] and later by Sultan Adwan, in 1921 and 1923 respectively. La chute de l’Empire ottoman en 1918, suivie de la révolte arabe conduite par le Sharif Husayn aidé de son fils Faysal et le partage colonial du Proche-Orient par la France et l’Angleterre, ont conduit à la création de l’Émirat de Transjordanie en 1921, placé sous administration britannique. En mai 1925, Ibn Saoud céda Aqaba et Ma’an, qui devinrent partie intégrante de l’émirat de Transjordanie sous le protectorat britannique. L'émirat de Transjordanie (إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique créé en à la suite des accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes dont fait partie la dynastie hachémite (Grande révolte arabe de 1916-1918). En 1921, le nombre de soldats passe à 1000. In 1918 the British Foreign Office noted the Arab position East of the Jordan, Biger wrote: "At the beginning of 1918, soon after the southern part of Palestine was conquered, the Foreign Office determined that Faisal’s authority over the area that he controls on the Eastern side of the Jordan river should be recognized. [79], The U.S. adopted the policy that formal termination of the mandate with respect to Transjordan would follow the earlier precedent established by the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon. It led to the inclusion of the Negev triangle in Palestine's territory, although this area was not considered as part of the country in the many centuries that preceded the British occupation. De la création de l'émirat de Transjordanie il y a 100 ans à la crise de ces derniers jours au sein de la monarchie, rappel des dates-clés du royaume hachémite. nécessaire] (en arabe : إمارة imārah) est un territoire uni politiquement qui est gouverné par un émir (ou prince en français [réf. The ratifications were exchanged on 31 October 1929. In the second half of the nineteenth century, The Tanzimat laid the foundation for state formation in the area. There was no Ottoman district known as Transjordan, there were the districts Ajlun, al-Balqa, al-Karak and Ma'an. [20], After the French ended the Kingdom of Syria at the battle of Maysalun, Transjordan became, for a short time, a no man's land[5][13] or, as Samuel put it, "..left politically derelict". Peter Gruber, (1991) Historical Dictionary of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan p 45-46. Suite aux accords d'armistice israélo-arabes de 1949 (la «ligne verte»), la... Histoire de la Jordanie — Wikipédi. Né en mars 1921, l’émirat de Transjordanie, au-delà du fleuve Jourdain, est détaché de la Palestine historique et placé sous mandat britannique. This failed to respond to Transjordanian demands for a fully sovereign and independent state, a failure that led to widespread disaffection with the treaty among Transjordanians, prompting them to seek a national conference (25 July 1928), the first of its kind, to examine the articles of the treaty and adopt a plan of political action. Shortly after the war, the French ceded Palestine and Mosul to the British.

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