dir clan in kenya

According to sources, the Gadsan clan is a direct sub-clan of the Dir clan (Somalia CEWERU Dec. 2013, 15; Farah Oct. 2016, 8). In Ethiopia, Gaadsan clan reside in three districts : the Liban district (Jarrati, Waladaya, Doolow and Guuredhamole), Godey district (Iimey and Boola), and Gashamo district (Nusdariiq, Marsin, Kabtinuur and Qabridhare). The Jaarso Clan are one of the most somali clan who founded SYL around Harar. Although often recognized as a Dir sub-clan, the Isaaq clan claims paternal descent from one Shaykh Ishaq ibn Ahmad al-Hashimi (Sheikh Isaaq). The Biimaal mainly lives in Southern Somalia, the Somali region of Ethiopia, which their Gaadsen sub-clan mainly inhabits and in the NEP region of Kenya… The Biyomaal of Marka fought against the Italian colonial rulers of Southern Somalia in a twenty-year war known as the Biyamaal Revolt, in which the Dir assassinated several Italian governors. Kaahin, Goorad Cabdalle(3) Each clan comprises numerous subfamilies and lineages. Southern Somali National Movement ((SSNM) of the mostly Mohamed Xiniftire Dir Clans (Bimaal, Mandaluug, and Gadsan) of Jubba, Gedo, Bardheere, and Shabeellaha Hoose region. Layiile Fiqi Mxumed Guure Most of the Somali clan families-Dir, Isaq, Hawiye, Rahanwin- inhabit relatively restricted areas, and there is no evidence that they have made any recent major movements. (Many Dir believe the Mandaluug are actually Mahe Dir) Cumar [2] Together with the Hawiye they trace ancestry through Irir Samaale to Arabian origins with Aqiil Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib. Hogar While the Gadabuursi are also closely related to the Isaaq whom they share with the common ancestor Mohammed Hiniftire, the sub lineage they claim as their direct ancestor is called the Mandaluug. The first to arrive were the Gurguras who named the city Dira Dhawe, or “the place that Dir conquered or hit with his spear”. Somali Democratic Alliance of the Gadabursi Dir clan. [5] Other accounts indicate that Dir is the father of Esa Madoba.[3][4]. Biimaal Dir Digil-Mirifle, Sheekal, Dabarre, Bantu, Bajuni, Dir, Gaaljaal, Awrmale, and more recently the Haber Gedir, to name a few—constitute a large portion of the total population. 9)Hassan Said. Its members mostly live in northwestern, central and southern Somalia and Djibouti , in addition to the Somali Region of Ethiopia and the North Eastern Province in Kenya . Democratic Liberation Front (DLF) supported Central Somalia Dir groups. Democratic Liberation Front supported Central Somalia Dir groups. Some consider the Isaaq part of the Dir clan. To understand the ethnic diversity of this country, a brief summary of its history is first necessary. Dabac Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-20981-6. Fiqi Khayre Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. According to the Dir clan histories of the Surre, Dir had four sons named Madahweyn, Mandaluug, Madoobe, and Mahe Dir; according to others Dir had a fifth son named Qaldho Dir. GLF (Gurgura Liberation Front) led by Abdelasis Ahmed; HDP (Horiyal Democratic Party), from the WSLF (Western Somali Liberation Front), led by Abdi Ismail and representing the Gadabursi; the IGLF (Issa and Gurgura Liberation Front), headed by Riyaale Ahmed, which, since a split in 1991, only defends Issa interests (essentially the control of the Djibouti-Ethiopian railway line). This clan is widely known for leading a resistance against the colonials in southern Somalia for decades which can be compared to the war of the Sayyid in Somaliland. 1. Southern Somali National Movement of the mostly Mohamed Xiniftire Dir Clans (Surre, Biamal) of. Each clan comprises numerous subfamilies and lineages. The rest of the Ethiopian Dir clans live in southern parts near the Somali border near Dolo Odo and as far as Guure Dhamoole and Negele Boran where the Garre Quranyow Maxamed Xiniftire subclans of Meha Dir live. Most conventional descriptions of Somali society identify 4 or 5 major clan groups: Dir, Isaaq, Hawiye and Darood, who make up higher Samaal castes, and Digil-Mirifle/Rahanweyn (sometimes mentioned as two distinct clan groups), belonging to the low-caste Saab. The relationship between violent extremism and clan-based conflict is complex and has no neat overlap. Somali National Movement (SNM) of the Northern Isaaq. Akisho Its members inhabit northwestern Somalia, Ethiopia (Somali, Oromia and Afar regions), and northeastern Kenya (North Eastern Province).Ozzonia (2010), page 7. The main sub-clans of the Dir are the Issa of Djibouti and Ethiopia, as well as the Gadabuursi, Akisho, Biamal, Surre and Gurgura. The current President of self-declared republic of Somaliland, Dahir Riyale Kahin, is from the Gadabuursi tribe. The majority of western scholars (both Italian and British) simply refered to the Surre as the “Dir of central Somalia” without differentiating them, but recent studies in Somalia reveal that the majority of the Dir in Hiiran, Gedo, Jubba and Bakool are divided into two branches, the Qubeyes and Abdalles, both descendents of Suure. Also the Gadabuursi are the second largest Somali ethnic group in Djibouti where the Dir Isaa (Ciise) are the majority. In a series of photos released last week by Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, the jihadist group highlighted the level of control it maintains over the town of Bacaadweyne in Somalia’s central Mudug region. Today they live mostly in northern Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti. In a statement, the group claimed its commanders met with elders from the local Qubeys clan, a sub-group of the much larger Dir clan, to “welcome the brothers from the clan who entered into the authority of the Islamic Shari’a and whose regions joined the Islamic Wilayats [provinces] under the control of Shabaab.” Madoobe Dir was the youngest son of Dir and his father was known as Madoobe. Barsuug Kenya - Kenya - Kenya colony: In 1920 the East Africa Protectorate was turned into a colony and renamed Kenya, for its highest mountain. 36.There are also alot of districts who lives the dir clan that we can’t collect here. Dabruube Cabas The Northern Dir consist of the Gadabuursi (Samaroon Siciid), the Issa Madoobe Dir of Djibouti, and the Isaaq. 2)Abiikar Said The third Northern clan, the Issas come from the Madoobe Dir. For example, the Warre Miyo are referred to Reer Miiyo in Somalia, but Warre Miyo in Ethiopian Somali and Oromo regions. Giir The Horyaal Democratic Party was founded by the Dir Jaarso clan and Gadabursi clan, their area of influence straddles the Somaliland border and incorporated the Dire Dawa, Jijiga,Jinacsani,Ajersa Kora and the Awbar zones. Madobe led Kenya-backed Somali militias to retake Kismayo in 2012, before being elected Jubaland president in 2015 (Reuters, 22 August 2019). One of the brothers of the Dir included the Digaale and the Hawiye. Also the Guure(Akishe) are the dominant Somali clan in the Liben Zone at the extreme south of the Somali Region. Gadabuursi, Madoobe Dir Somaliland protests being called "Northern Dir clan" afrol News, 2 September - A "new" Somali ethnic group has been introduced at the ongoing Somali peace conference in Kenya; the "Northern Dir clan". Xaraan Politically they are represented by the Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA). Similarly, the Gurgure who are very closely related to the Akisho, use a nickname and were referred to the Oromo and Somalis as the traders or Gurgure from the old Somali and Oromo word “gorgortan” which means one who sales and trades. Definition of DIR in the Definitions.net dictionary. Sixty per cent of the population is nomadic and concentrated primarily in the north. The main sub-clans of the Dir are the Issa of Djibouti and Ethiopia, as well as the Gadabuursi, Akisho, Biamal, Surre and Gurgura. The Fiqicilmi clan inhabits Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. Some consider the Isaaq part of the Dir clan. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Suure are well represented not only in Ethiopia and Shabeele/Jubba region but they have sub-clans as far north as Bari region Northern Somali clan, a sub-division of the Dir clan family. Any social group that believes it has been accorded an unfair slice of Kismayo’s port The Darood clan lives principally in the north, with a presence in Kismayo, as well as in the Gedo region. Ciise As Somaliland authorities refuse to partake in the Kenya talks, this new clan is to represent the people of the unrecognised state. Other Dir clans in Ethiopia are the Issa of Madoobe Dir, Samaroon Siciid (Gadabuursi) of Mandaluug Dir, Garre-Quranyow Maxamed, Gadsan, Fiqi Muhumand, Fiqi Yahye and Fiqi Cumar (Qubeys), Fiqi Khairre (Saleban Abdalle) of Meha Dir and others. 5)Ali Said. The northern clans of the self-declared Somaliland, namely the Isaaq, Gadabuursi,and Issa are also all Dir. The Dir, or Theyr bin Abdalla as mentioned in the book "Futuh ul-Habasha", is a Somali clan. The Dir (Somali: Dir, Arabic: در ‎), or Theyr bin Abdalla as mentioned in the book Futuh ul-Habasha, is a Somali clan.Its members mostly live in northwestern, central and southern of Somalia and Djibouti, in addition to the Somali Region of Ethiopia and the North Eastern Province in Kenya.. Jiido, 1)Farah Said Gurgure IGLF, which is based amongst the Issa clan in northern Hararghe, evolved out of the Iil Tire division of the Western Somali Liberation Front. ( Log Out /  The Issas form part of the ciise Madoobe Dir, while the Gadabuursi and Isaaq are part of the Mahe Dir, Mohammed Hiniftire. The Northern Somalis exclusively come from the Dir clan. According to others, Dir had a fifth son, Qaldho Dir. [1], I.M. Madobe and Farmaajo, who hail from the Ogaden and the Marehan clans of the Darod respectively, parted ways in 2019, when the incumbent president defeated the candidate backed by Mogadishu in the Jubaland state elections ( The East African, 9 … The Isaaq are Mohammed Hiniftire Mahe Dir. 10 Kenyan traditions you should know about Kenya is made up of more than 40 tribes, and each tribe has its own traditions. ( Log Out /  Issas and Gurgure Liberation Front (IGF) of Ethiopia. Gadabuursi The Jaarso Dir (a sub-clan of the Madahweyn) inhabit Jigjiga, Jinacsani, Babeli,Tuliguleed, Hadow, Dhagahle, Bombaas, Fayanbiro, Fayan Hujubo, Ordo,Kombulsho, Gursum, Diri dawa, Dadar,Qulubi, Ejersa Goro, Harar, Haramaya, Baali, Hawaday, Awash Part of Oromia Region and also live in the border of kenya. Alliance Ahlusunna Wal-jam'a in central Somalia (Surre). Nacadoor(Cabdalle)(2) Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. With an estimated area of 1,195.52 square kilometers, Gurgura has an estimated population density of 97.2 people per square kilometer, which is less than the average for the entire chartered city of 328. Haarun Qubeys and Abdallahs, both Surre subclans, inhabit central Somalia, with Qubeys being mainly local to Puntland regions such as Mudug.[6]. Because I have already given you the history of Kenya, it's only fair that I … The Warre prefix in front of many Akisho clans names means “the Clan of” or reer (WaaReer) in proper Somali. Diriye aka Ubaidah joined the al Ittihad al Islamiya and the Ras Kamboni Brigade in 1996 (show’s he worked with Jubbaland President Ahmed Madobe). ... in addition to the Somali Region of Ethiopia and the North Eastern Province in Kenya. Extremist recruitment in northeast Kenya is not based on clan membership, but extremist actors can take advantage of the close ties across the Kenya-Somalia border and the porous nature of the border to operate in both countries. Their homelands are divided amongst three countries: Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) of the Gadabursi Dir clan. Most of the Dir clans in Ethiopia live in the Dire Dawa area, the Jijiga Zone, and along the Awash River. Other clans related to the Aksiho are the Gariire, Warre Dayo,Gurgure, Layiile, and Aw Said’s of Lower Jubba. The Darod (Somali: Daarood, Arabic: دارود ‎) is a Somali clan. The subclans of the Madahweyne (Madahweyne Dir) include: Gariir, Gurgura clan, Layiile, and Akisho (Gurre). Bayr Dir (clan) The Dir (Dir, Dirweyn, Direed or Beesha Direed, در, قبيلة در, بنو در, قبيلة أبوكار, بنو أبوكار., Abukar) is a major Somali clan. Other branches of the Dir include the ancient Biyamaal Clan who occuppy an area from 50 km south of Mogadishu all the way down to Jilib and Kismaayo, not far from border with Kenya. The pro-government ESDL which hope to become part of the EPRDF is headed by current Transport minister Abdulmejid Hussein ( Dir Issaq Habar Awal). Guuled Traditions are good because they help us maintain our identity and heritage. Other Somali clans in the region are Isaaq, Gadabuursi, Issa and Jidle and KaranleHawiye clans. Its members mostly live in northwestern, central and southern of Somalia and Djibouti, in addition to the Somali Region of Ethiopia and the North Eastern Province in Kenya. This region has a long history of immigrants and trade that begins in ancient times when it was part of an Egyptian kingdom. They primarily live in Djibouti as the Issa and Gadabuursi. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The Dir in Ethiopia are represented by the Madahweyne Dir. [7][8], In the south central part of Somalia the World Bank shows the following clan tree:[9], From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core, "Qubeys subclan (Dir) - Suleiman subclan of Habar Gidir clan (Hawiye)", Conflict in Somalia: Drivers and Dynamics, Country Information and Policy Unit, Home Office, Great Britain, Somalia Assessment 2001, Annex B: Somali Clan Structure, https://infogalactic.com/w/index.php?title=Dir_(clan)&oldid=2233716, Articles needing additional references from March 2010, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2009, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, About Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core, Gurgura Liberation Front led by Abdelasis Ahmed, Horyel Democratic Party, also representing the Gadabursi. The Dir, or Theyr bin Abdalla as mentioned in the book "Futuh ul-Habasha", is a Somali clan. In Ethiopia, Gaadsan clan reside in three woredas: Liben (Jarrati, Waladaya, Doolow and Guuredhamole), Gode (Iimey and Boola), and Misraq Gashamo (Nusdariiq, Marsin, Kabtinuur and Qabridhare). Southern Dir groups claim direct descent from Hiil, Samaale, Aji, Irir, who was the direct father of Dir. During its initial period of existence, it engaged in clashes with the Somali National Movement around the Ethiopia-Somalia border. Siyaad The Bimaal or Bimal, official name: Jamal, is one of the sub-clans of the major Dir clan family. According to the folklore historians of the Southern Suure Dir of the Mudug region, the Akisho and the Gurgure madahweyne Dir produced some of the most famous Somali folk heroes like the Somali queen Araweelo who was Warre Miyo. Cirday, Some consider the Isaaq part of the Dir clan. ( Log Out /  The Dir, Hawiye, Darod, and Rahanweyn make up the majority of Somalis. Dhaayoow, Mandaluug While clan refers to the social organization, clannism is the politicization of the clan structure by elites, for personal gain. Maxamuud The Akisho name is originally derived from “Cayisho” which means in old Somali the (Cayilsan) “Fat One”, and in Oromo Akisho. Gaadsan, a subclan of Mohamed Xiniftire, is one of the largest clans of the Dir. This page was last modified on 7 January 2016, at 18:04. Bajimaal The main sub-clans of the Dir are the Issa of Djibouti and Ethiopia, as well as the Gadabuursi, Akisho (Akishe), Biamal (Biyomaal), Surre and Gurgura. [page needed]. The Suure have been associated with spreading the Islamic faith in Somalia and the Qadiriya Sufi tariiqa in southren Somalia. Yabarow,Xasan,Cumar, Xeefoow ( Log Out /  The population of Somalia today encompasses approximately 12 million people, with over 1.5 million Somalis in the diaspora and 2 million displaced both inside Somalia and in neighboring countries, with over 200,000 in Kenya. Agoon Somali clan, and a major sub-division of the Habr Je'lo sub-clan of the Isaaq. In the Mudug region of central Somalia and all the way to Hiiraan region is another cluster of Dir clans known as the Suure. Qotonsay Gadsan Fiqi Yaxye, Wayaagle The Somali people are composed of four major tribes. Qubeys clan elders and members as shown in Shabaab’s propaganda. The Dir (Somali: Dir, Arabic: در ‎‎), Dhar, or Theyr bin Abdalla as mentioned in the book Futuh ul-Habasha, is a Somali clan. Finally, the Issas and other Somali groups followed into the region and the Christian Amharas referred the region to as “Gurgura-na Issa Awrajja”or the Awrajja Region of the Gurguras and the Issas. according to others Dir had a fifth son named Qaldho Dir. The Gurgure Dir (a sub-clan of the Madahweyn) inhabit the city of Dire Dawa, which is also inhabited by the Madoobe Dir Issas. Magaadle Guuled, Warsame, Cigaal, and Jalaf Northern Dir GLF (Gurgura Liberation Front) This land was later taken over by Muslim sultanates, dating back as far as 1000 AD and ending with the Kingdom of Adal which fought against the Christian Abyssinian Kingdom. The majority are Issa Madoobe Dir and the second largest group are the Gadabuursi Mandaluug Dir; the Isaaq are third in number. Rahanweyn, with the Dir clan and other ethnic minorities making up the rest of the population. 3)Sacdi Said. Also the(Madaxweyne Dir) Akisho and Gurgure clans were instrumental in spreading the Muslim faith in the hinterlands of Ethiopia. Dir (clan) The Dir (Somali: Dir, Arabic: در‎), or Theyr bin Abdalla as mentioned in the book "Futuh ul-Habasha", is a Somali clan.Its members mostly live in northwestern, central and southern of Somalia and Djibouti, in addition to the Somali Region of Ethiopia and the North Eastern Province in Kenya. Towns in Gurgura include Melka Jebdu. The Dir are the most ancient Somali clan, and they are the most widespread group. Faarax The Darood are commonly divided into three …

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