human rights watch saudi arabia

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) in conjunction with the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) is pleased to announce the release of our new report, Voice for the Voiceless: Religious and Cultural Discrimination in Saudi Arabia. Dezember 2007 im Internet Archive) (englisch) World Socialist Web Site – Menschenrechtsbericht des US-Außenministeriums The Arab Convention on the Suppression of Ter- rorism, adopted in 1998 and ratified by 16 member states, undermines human rights protection in the region. Saudi authorities regularly pursue charges against human rights activists based on their peaceful exercise of freedom of expression, in violation of international human rights obligations. Get updates on human rights issues from around the globe. LGBT rights are not recognized in Saudi Arabia. your username. Additionally, the lawyer said that the propagation of the idea that Shia and Sufi Muslims are polytheists (mushreekin) could make them vulnerable to harassment or even violence. Top Menu En. These include performing a pilgrimage or kneeling to anyone other than God, and building mosques and shrines on top of graves clear examples of Shia/Sufi practices. In 2017, Human Rights Watch conducted a comprehensive review of the religious curriculum and found numerous harsh critiques of practices associated with Shia and Sufi Islam, as well as intolerant and degrading language about Christianity and Judaism. Instead, the texts harshly criticize practices and traditions closely associated with Shia Islam in broad terms, in many cases labeling them evidence of polytheism (shirk) that will result in removal from Islam and eternal damnation for those who practice them. Instead, the curriculum was found on Saudi websites that host copies of the official texts. Human Rights Watch wirft Saudi-Arabien in einem neuen Bericht vor, in den vergangenen zwei Monaten fünf Luftangriffe in Jemen durchgeführt zu haben, bei denen 39 Zivilisten, darunter 26 Kinder, getötet wurden. The second semester of the seventh-grade (age 12) textbook includes an entire lesson on why visiting graves is considered polytheism (shirk) and says that a curse will fall upon those who treat graves like mosques (see graphic below). The rights group Human Rights Watch has called on the United Nations General Assembly to suspend Saudi Arabia's membership on the U.N. 1464 would require the Administration to impose sanctions on foreign people who the Director of National Intelligence determined were responsible for … Get updates on human rights issues from around the globe. Saudi-Arabia, Morocco and Tunisia have not ratified the Protocol, and in prac-tice, the rights of Palestinians living in Arab states are largely restricted by national laws. Among those arbitrarily detained for prolonged periods without appearing before a judge or being charged was Mohammed al-Bajadi, a founding member of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA), detained since May 2018. The education Saudi Arabia's human rights problems that won't go away. The kingdom is now one of 45 countries sitting on a … News; Opinion; Video; The Big Story; Discover Welcome! Saudi Arabia Human Rights Watch Saturday, 19 October 2013. Human Rights Watch, the international organization for defending rights and freedoms, said that Saudi forces committed serious violations against civilians in the Yemeni province of Mahrah. Practices that qualify as polytheism (shirk) include visiting graves of prominent religious figures, and the act of intercession (tawassul), by which Shia and Sufis supplicate to God via intermediaries. The religion textbooks also continue to identify themselves with Sunni Islam (Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jam’a). Rights group, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, are calling for the suspension of Saudi Arabia from the United Nations Human Rights Council until a Saudi-led military coalition puts an end to fighting in Yemen. Human Rights Watch did not review additional religion texts dealing with Islamic law, Islamic culture, Islamic commentary, or Qur’an recitation. SAUDI ARABIA 2 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2018 United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor government did not punish officials accused of committing human rights abuses, contributing to an environment of impunity. Human Rights Watch: Russia and Saudi Arabia don't belong on the U.N. Human Rights Council. Rights group launches campaign for Gulf political dissidents. This is a direct reference to the Shia belief that the prophet’s cousin and son-in-law, Ali, and his grandsons Hassan and Hussein are sacred. © RGB Ventures / SuperStock / Alamy Stock Photo, “Aflamuna” Film Festival Amplifies Queer Voices in Arab Cinema. SAUDI ARABIA 3 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2019 United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor six years in prison. It was established on 10 March 2004, two years after the Human Rights First Society applied unsuccessfully for a licence. These textbooks were cross-checked between the different websites to ensure their authenticity. These changes, however, have been mostly limited to how other religions or groups are presented in the textbooks, including eliminating hateful reference to Christians, Jews, and LGBT people, as well as removing violent and anti-Semitic language. As ordered reported by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on March 25, 2021. Human Rights Watch - Saudi Arabia - Type(s) : Internet - Langue(s) : Anglais - Pays et région(s) : Arabie saoudite - Ville(s) : (Etranger) The textbooks label certain practices as “illicit innovations” (bida’), which the authors consider a form of polytheism (shirk). The source said al-Bokari told him that the court claimed he “confessed that he fled Yemen because he was ‘imitating women.’” But Human Rights Watch reviewed recorded phone communications and messages via social media in which Yemeni armed groups and private individuals threaten al-Bokari with death, which led him to flee. Seventh-Grade, Second Semester Textbook, pg 18. As of August 2018, the President of the NSHR was Mufleh bin Rabayan al-Qahtani. Moreover, the texts warn against the “exaggeration” (al-ghulu fi) with regards to members of the prophet’s family, which would be considered a form of polytheism (shirk). (Beirut) – A Saudi court sentenced a Yemeni blogger to jail and then deportation to Yemen for a social media post supporting equal rights for all in Saudi Arabia, Human Rights Watch said today. 分享. There is only one week to go. Then-Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a graduation ceremony at King Faisal Air College in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 25, 2017. The Arab Charter on Human Rights, which Saudi Arabia has ratified, guarantees the right to freedom of opinion and expression in article 32. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged G20 member states to pressure Saudi Arabia into releasing activists detained unlawfully and provide accountability for past abuses ahead of … Saudi Arabia does not have an … A source in contact with al-Bokari told Human Rights Watch that before his trial, he was held in solitary confinement for six weeks in al-Malaz prison in Riyadh, in a hot and humid cell with no windows, no air-conditioning, and insufficient ventilation. “Our society can be very conservative,” said Prince Fahad bin Jalawi al-Saud, a consultant to the Saudi … Tunisia: Two-Year Sentence for Homosexuality, “I Would Like Four Kids — If We Stay Alive”, Abusive Israeli Policies Constitute Crimes of Apartheid, Persecution, Nepal: Act to Avert Looming Covid-19 Disaster, Covid-19 Fueling Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia Worldwide, Human Rights Dimensions of COVID-19 Response. World Affairs Correspondent. Pagination. “Saudi Arabia has made progress but it is not time to declare victory on textbook reform”, Page said. By the end of the year, virtually all Saudi Arabian human rights defenders were in detention without charge, or were on trial or serving prison terms. Ministry of the Interior in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia: Human Rights … Übersetzungsmenü öffnen Übersetzungsmenü schließen Menü Schließen Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. Authorities failed to hold high-level … Human Rights Watch found that the curriculum does not make direct reference to Shia Islam or use derogatory terms. Seventh-Grade, Second Semester Textbook, pg 25. The rights group in their statement urged ASO to use their decision to denounce persecution of women rights in the nation. Human Rights Watch has repeatedly criticized rampant abuses in Saudi Arabia’s criminal justice system, including the routine practice of long-term arbitrary detention and sporadic incommunicado detention of prominent detainees. Human Rights Watch wants G20 countries to urge Saudi Arabia to allow the UN team access to Yemen, as well as to the Riyadh-based headquarters of the coalition. Human Rights Watch Goes to Saudi Arabia Seeking Saudi Money to Counterbalance "Pro-Israel Pressure Groups" By By David Bernstein. This report evaluates their candidacies based on the Help us continue to fight human rights abuses. Saudi Arabia should immediately release Badawi and halt its persecution of people solely for their criticisms of Saudi human rights practices. لقرائته بالعربية اضغط هنا The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights signed, along with 7 othe… Norway calls on Saudi Arabia to take practical measures to protect human rights لقرائته بالعربية اضغط هنا On 15 March 2021, Norway called on Saudi Arabia to protect human rights. Cost Estimate . The first semester fourth-grade textbook defines four core corners of monotheism; not seeking help from anyone other than God, not seeking refuge from anyone other than God, not to perform a pilgrimage to anyone other than God, and not kneeling to anyone other than God. Conforme la organización creció, se crearon los Comités de Observación (Watch Committees) para cubrir otras regiones del mundo. Fourth-Grade (Age 9), Second Semester Textbook, pg 31. “Saudi Arabia’s public relations campaigns tout the kingdom’s ‘progress,’ but the court’s jail sentence for peaceful speech and then deportation to Yemen where the defendant’s life is at risk shows how hollow these claims are,” said Rasha Younes, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. “But as long as the texts continue to disparage religious beliefs and practices of minority groups, including those of fellow Saudi citizens, it will contribute to the culture of discrimination that these groups face.”. Please give now to support our work, Disparaging References to Shia, Sufi Practices Remain Despite Progress. IMPACT-se, an Israeli organization monitors cultural tolerance in schools globally, also reviewed the newest available editions of the texts and noted that even though some problematic references remain, the removal of many examples is “a significant improvement and an encouraging development, understood as representing a step toward moderation.”. According to an August Human Rights Watch (HRW) report, Ethiopian migrants Photos of sacred Shia shrines and graves were also removed from the texts reviewed, as well as several mentions of Hussein, the prophet’s grandson, and a sacred figure for Shia. HRW also said, "No other human rights group has produced a more comprehensive, detailed, and thorough body of work on Saudi Arabian human rights issues in recent years than Human Rights Watch". In January 2020, Human Rights Watch among 12 other international human rights organizations wrote a joint letter to Amaury Sport Organisation ahead of Saudi Dakar Rally. Saudi Arabia is in its final year of a three-year term on the Human Rights Council. Secondary Program, Level One (Age 15), pg 33. While the kingdom has faced criticism from human right organizations, it insists that it is always acting in accordance with Sunni Islamic morality. View Document161.5 KB. A milestone document in the history of human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected. The source told Human Rights Watch that after his sentencing, al-Bokari was returned to a shared cell with other prisoners who have verbally abused him, including by calling him a “devil worshipper” who “deserves the death penalty.” The source said that since al-Bokari was sentenced, his health had rapidly deteriorated and he was transferred to a hospital. One week only, then the Saudi women will take to their cars- this time not as passengers, sitting behind men they barely know- … The authorities arrested al-Bokari, 29, on April 8 for posting a video on social media calling for equal rights, including for gay people. After al-Bokari’s arrest in April, the source said, security officers subjected him to a forced anal exam, an internationally discredited practice used to seek “proof” of homosexual conduct, that can amount to torture. 进阶搜寻 最新消息; 企业; 重大议题; 来自我们; 博客; 捐赠; About Us; 8 十一月 2019. Any signs of protest lead to a reduction of the student’s grades. Join our movement today. Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa Review of 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: REVIEW OF 2018 1 26 February 2019 Index: MDE 23/9902/2019 SAUDI ARABIA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Head of state and government: Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud After a trial in which he was provided no counsel, Mohamad al-Bokari, a Yemeni living in Riyadh, was sentenced on July 20, 2020 to 10 months in prison and a fine of 10,000 Saudi Riyals (US$2,700). your password Human Rights Watch comenzó en 1978 con la creación de Helsinki Watch, cuyo objetivo era ayudar a los grupos ciudadanos formados en todo el bloque soviético a verificar el cumplimiento gubernamental de los Acuerdos de Helsinki de 1975. 故事 Saudi Arabia: Human Rights Watch … Saudi Arabia's human rights record has been called into question after the news that 47 people were executed in one day. With few exceptions Saudi Arabia does not tolerate public worship by adherents of religions other than Islam and systematically discriminates against Muslim religious minorities, notably Twelver Shia and Ismailis, including in public education, the justice system, religious freedom, and employment. Saudi Arabia aims to improve human rights record amid twin coronavirus, oil crises By MATTHEW LEE and AYA BATRAWY The Associated Press Posted May 2, 2020 2:48 am Blurred Saudi Arabia flag background.. Photo about person, background, hand, human - 190967216 Please give now to support our work, 10 Months’ Jail, Fine, Deportation to Potential Danger, (Beirut) – A Saudi court sentenced a Yemeni blogger to jail and then deportation to Yemen for a social media post supporting equal rights for all in Saudi Arabia, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch on Thursday welcomed an "overdue" reform in Saudi Arabia to allow girls to take part in sports at state schools. RIYADH — Human rights groups claim that human rights in Saudi Arabia are worsening. Saudi Arabia held the presidency of the G20 in 2020 despite the country’s longstanding human rights abuses. Saudi Arabia has been elected to the UN women’s rights commission, prompting outrage from human rights groups.. Will these countries face any punishment for human rights abuses? That term is now used explicitly in the textbooks for non-believers. A Human Rights Watch (HRW) report, 'The High Cost of Change’: Repression Under Saudi Crown Prince Tarnishes Reforms’, reveals an increasingly repressive environment in Saudi Arabia, despite promises of reform. It would appear to violate customary international law prohibitions against returning someone to a place where they face a real risk of torture or other grave harm. The country continued air operations in Yemen as leader of a military coalition Malaysia also criminalizes “posing as” a different sex, ... For more information and Human Rights Watch reporting, click on the country name in the black pop-up box. Russia and China have been elected to the UN human rights council for the next three years, but Saudi Arabia failed in its attempt to win a place on the 47-seat body.. The Universal Human Rights Index provides easy access to country-specific human rights information emanating from international human rights mechanisms in the United Nations system: the Treaty Bodies, the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).. English العربيّة Deutsch español français 日本語 Português Русский 简体中文 繁體中文. He co-authored with Ken Macdonald QC the investigative report entitled “Shrouded in Secrecy: the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia following arrests in September 2017” Topics Saudi Arabia In recent decades there have been some reports of an underground LGBT community. Al-Bokari has 30 days to appeal. Human Rights Watch was unable to access the online versions of the textbooks available through the Saudi Education Ministry’s website. He had fled Yemen in June 2019 after Yemeni armed groups threatened to kill him and has since been living in Saudi Arabia as an undocumented migrant. In 2017, Human Rights Watch noted a reference in the first textbook of the secondary level curriculum (age 15) that contended that Sunni Islam has received the “best” of that afforded to the nation of the prophet Mohammad, because “they represent the true Islam, both in theory and practice.” This statement is still included in the latest reviewed version of the texts (see figure below). There is little to no justice in Saudi Arabia’s criminal justice system. Al-Bokari was charged with violating public morality by promoting homosexuality online, and “imitating women.” These charges show that the court decision is based on discriminatory accusations against al-Bokari based on his perceived sexual orientation and gender expression, Human Rights Watch said. The United Nations General Assembly’s Declaration on the Rights of Human Rights Defenders states that everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to “impart or disseminate to others views, information and knowledge on all human rights and fundamental freedoms.”, Women’s Access to Health Care in Afghanistan, Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution, Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice. DICTATORSHIPS VYING FOR UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL SEATS FOR 2021-2023 TERM Report by UN Watch 29 April 2020 Cuba, Russia and Saudi Arabia are running for seats on the UN Human Rights Council for the 2021-2023 term, as revealed today by UN Watch. For the full report, click here. View on smartphone screen with logo lettering of human rights watch organization. Saudi Arabia introduced labor reforms in March 2021 that will ease restrictions and allow some migrant workers to change jobs without employer consent under certain narrow circumstances, Human Rights Watch said today. To lay the strongest possible foundation in these reform efforts, religious freedom promotion must lie at the heart of this reevaluation. More explicit references that targeted Shia Islam have been minimized, but much of the implicit language remains. Anger after Saudi Arabia 'chosen to head key UN human rights panel' Wife of imprisoned blogger Raif Badawi says move amounts to "a green light to flog him" Help us continue to fight human rights abuses. The red dots indicate countries that outlaw same-sex relations between consenting adults. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has lifted its driving ban on women and made other strides toward granting women equal rights. Public Crucifixion: Ali al-Nimr is on death row to be crucified for a crime he committed three years ago when he was seventeen. Al-Bokari, who suffers from a chronic heart condition, underwent an electrocardiogram (ECG), and was discharged without being informed of the test results. They had been convicted following unfair trials for various alleged crimes, including protest-related offenses, espionage, and terrorism. Mar 16, 2016 - The United States should stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia, or they could be held accountable for war crimes committed in Yemen, Human Rights Watch said. Prisoners of Conscience reported he was detained after sending a letter of advice to the Royal Court. Type of Anti-LGBT Laws. Only the first semester of the 2020-2021 curriculum was available online at the time of the review. Another violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia is human trafficking and sex slavery. (Beirut, January 29, 2019) – Rahaf al-Qunun, the Saudi woman who managed to successfully flee her allegedly abusive family, has shed new light on the countless women trapped under the abusive male guardianship system in Saudi Arabia, Human Rights Watch said today. If such activity is discussed online, judges and prosecutors utilize vague provisions of the country’s anti-cybercrime law that criminalize online activity impinging on “public order, religious values, public morals, and privacy.” The country remains a member of the United Nations human rights … A Saudi lawyer from the Shia-majority Eastern Province told Human Rights Watch that all Muslims in Saudi Arabia, regardless of their denomination, are required to use this curriculum even if they find it personally offensive. H.R. Here is a list of the worst Saudi Arabia Human Rights Abuses. (see figure below). “As long as disparaging references to religious minorities remain in the text it will continue to stoke controversy and condemnation.”, Education, Social Restrictions, and Justice in Taliban-Held Afghanistan, Barriers to Secondary Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan, Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice. ‘Where is the Justice’ for Moroccan Transgender Women? Home Middle-East GCC Al-Hasani: Human Rights Watch Criticizes Morocco Over Extradition Morocco detained Al-Hasani based on an interpol tip-off, and extradited him to Saudi Arabia … Human Rights Watch has called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to pressure Saudi Arabia to end its discrimination against women in … (Beirut) – Saudi Arabia has taken important steps to purge its school religion textbooks of hateful and intolerant language, but the current texts maintain language that disparages practices associated with religious minorities, Human Rights Watch said today. Deporting him to Yemen on release seems likely to put his life at risk, Human Rights Watch said. Summary. The National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) is a Saudi Arabian human rights organisation closely associated with and funded by the Saudi government. Annual report on the human rights situation in 2018. Saudi authorities have targeted and harassed Badawi for years. The 2019-2020 curriculum was used in reviewing the second semester textbooks. The second semester of the fourth-grade textbook forbids swearing by anyone other than God and lists Hussein as an example, though. For example, the textbooks continue to label some practices and traditions associated with Shia and Sufi Islam as evidence of polytheism (shirk), which is penalized by cancellation of a person’s good deeds, God’s rejection of their repentance, and eternal damnation, the fourth-grade (age 9) second semester book says. Saudi Arabia Drops Death Sentence Against Child Protestors, Saudi Arabia: Prominent Women’s Rights Activist Released, Saudi Arabia: Personal Drivers Face Abuse, Abusive Israeli Policies Constitute Crimes of Apartheid, Persecution, Nepal: Act to Avert Looming Covid-19 Disaster, Covid-19 Fueling Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia Worldwide, Human Rights Dimensions of COVID-19 Response, removing violent and anti-Semitic language. By Caroline Hawley. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on UN member states to vote against bids launched by Saudi Arabia and China for seats on the body's Human Rights Council, pointing to … In 2015, Saudi Arabia proposed hosting an Olympic Games without women. But progress is incredibly slow, and lags far behind the rest of the world. 1464, Saudi Arabia Accountability for Gross Violations of Human Rights Act. Saudi Arabia has no codified law, but police routinely arrest people based on their gender expression. Between 2017 and 2020, the Education Ministry made numerous changes to the texts in response to years of criticism by US authorities, including a draft law circulated in the US Congress that would require the secretary of state to report annually to Congress about whether Saudi Arabia had removed “intolerant” content from its textbooks. The 26 th of October 2013. These groups continuously condemn the nation for its systematic human rights abuses.In Saudi Arabia, law enforcement actively suppresses free speech, assembly and political dissidence, with offenders often given decades-long jail sentences for vague charges like “breaking allegiance with the ruler.” The text condemns “supplication,” a thinly veiled reference to the Shia practice of intercession (tawassul), including supplication to “the righteous,” “the dead,” or at “graves” and “shrines.” For example, the fourth grade second semester book cites several examples of polytheism (shirk), the first of which is supplication to the dead (see figure below). Why is that even a question? Saudi Arabia is hosting the G20 summit, but … For more information and Human Rights Watch reporting, click on the country name in the black pop-up box. The practice of wailing over the dead is labelled in the textbooks as a form of blasphemy in the first semester sixth-grade textbook. Saudi authorities arrested the prominent human rights activist Samar Badawi on January 12, 2016 over her peaceful human rights advocacy. There have been several studies and documentaries done on individuals and groups who voluntarily go to Saudi Arabia to work legally, but then are exploited and are kept under harsh conditions without fair pay. To drive or not to drive. Saudi Arabia has no written laws concerning sexual orientation or gender identity, but judges use principles of uncodified Islamic law to sanction people suspected of having sexual relations outside marriage, including adultery, extramarital and homosexual sex, or other “immoral” acts. H.R. A comprehensive Human Rights Watch review of Education Ministry-produced textbooks for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years found that some practices associated with the Shia and Sufi Islamic traditions remain stigmatized as un-Islamic and prohibited.

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