émirat de transjordanie

[g] The status of the mandate was not altered by the agreement between the United Kingdom and the Emirate concluded on 20 February 1928. The Emirate of Transjordan (Arabic: إمارة شرق الأردن‎ Imārat Sharq al-Urdun lit. "Foundations of British Policy in the Arab World: The Cairo Conference of 1921", Aaron S. Klieman, Johns Hopkins, 1970. Shortly after the war, the French ceded Palestine and Mosul to the British. [66] It recognised the existence of an independent government in Transjordan and defined and limited its powers. Né en mars 1921, l’émirat de Transjordanie, au-delà du fleuve Jourdain, est détaché de la Palestine historique et placé sous mandat britannique. Discussion:Émirat de Transjordanie. Assisted by the British army officer T. E. Lawrence, the Sharif of Mecca Hussein bin Ali led the successful revolt which contributed to the Ottoman defeat and breaking up of its empire. More importantly, the resurrection of the Reserve Force, later renamed the Arab Legion, allowed for this success. Yb. Né en mars 1921, l'émirat de Transjordanie, au-delà du fleuve Jourdain, est détaché de la Palestine historique et placé sous mandat britannique. Send. It led to the inclusion of the Negev triangle in Palestine's territory, although this area was not considered as part of the country in the many centuries that preceded the British occupation. nécessaire] (en arabe : إمارة imārah) est un territoire uni politiquement qui est gouverné par un émir (ou prince en français [réf. "Emirate of east Jordan"), officially known as the Amirate of Trans-Jordan, was a British protectorate established on 11 April 1921.[4][1][2]. Revenir à la page « Émirat de Transjordanie ». Il y a 100 ans, en avril 1921, était créé l’émirat de Transjordanie. Ottoman forces were forced to withdraw from Aqaba in 1917 after the Battle of Aqaba. The U.S. State Department also received a legal argument from Rabbis Wise and Silver objecting to the independence of Transjordan. His Majesty's Government are responsible under the terms of the Mandate for establishing in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people. [43], The Hashemite emir Abdullah, elder son of Britain's wartime Arab ally Hussein bin Ali, was placed on the throne of Transjordan. Transjordan became a no man's land following the July 1920 Battle of Maysalun,[5][6] during which period the British in neighbouring Mandatory Palestine chose to avoid "any definite connection between it and Palestine". De la création de l'émirat de Transjordanie il y a 100 ans à la crise de ces derniers jours au sein de la monarchie, rappel des dates-clés du royaume hachémite. The sole organised and effective military force at hand was a Hijazi household army of some 200 men under Hashemite command. [75] In 1949 the country's official name was changed to the "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan". La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 13 avril 2014 à 22:11. En 1946, l'Émirat de Transjordanie devint un royaume dont Amman est la capitale, le siège du gouvernement et le centre commercial, légal et administratif de Royaume hachémite de Jordanie. L' émirat de Transjordanie (arabe : إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique (1921-1946) créé en avril 1921 à la suite d'accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes de la dynastie hachémite en échange de leur révolte contre les Ottomans. A la même époque, un autre accord secret fut négocié entre le Royaume-Uni et la France, avec l'assentiment de l'Empire russe et de l'Italie visant à définir leur sphère d'influence et de contrôle respective au Levant après la chute de l'Empire ottoman. En 1925, le gouvernement de l’émirat obtient les pouvoirs administratifs et législatifs, même si la Grande-Bretagne contrôle la diplomatie et la défense de la Transjordanie. À sa création, elle compte 100 soldats sous les ordres de cinq officiers britanniques. King Hussein of Hijaz demanded to receive this area after claiming that a transfer action, to add it to the vilayet of Syria (A-Sham) was supposed to be done in 1908. Ainsi s’explique le nom d’« Émirat de l’Orient arabe » qu’il donna à la nouvelle entité, de façon que fussent d’emblée indiquées des perspectives d’avenir plus vastes. [84][74] When the issue was voted on, Transjordan's application achieved the required total number of votes, but was vetoed by the Soviet Union which did not approve membership of any countries with which it did not have diplomatic relations. Around the same time, another secret treaty was negotiated between the United Kingdom and France, with assent from the Russian Empire and Italy, to define their mutually agreed spheres of influence and control in an eventual partition of the Ottoman Empire. Pour d'autres utilisations, voir Transjordanie (homonymie). Peter Gruber, (1991) Historical Dictionary of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan p 45-46. En 1946, l'Émirat de Transjordanie devint un royaume dont Amman est la capitale, le siège du gouvernement et le centre commercial, légal et administratif de Royaume hachémite de Jordanie. This failed to respond to Transjordanian demands for a fully sovereign and independent state, a failure that led to widespread disaffection with the treaty among Transjordanians, prompting them to seek a national conference (25 July 1928), the first of its kind, to examine the articles of the treaty and adopt a plan of political action. L'émirat de Transjordanie (arabe : إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique (1921-1946) créé en avril 1921 à la suite d'accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes de la dynastie hachémite en échange de leur révolte contre les Ottomans. Finalement, en 1921, la Grande-Bretagne a déclaré un mandat sur la région, créant l' émirat de Transjordanie , sous le règne semi-autonome de l' émir (et futur roi) Abdallah Ier . The British Foreign Secretary, Lord Curzon, proposed instead that British influence in Transjordan should be advanced by sending a few political officers, without military escort, to encourage self-government[23] and give advice to local leaders in the territory. In 1918 the British Foreign Office noted the Arab position East of the Jordan, Biger wrote: "At the beginning of 1918, soon after the southern part of Palestine was conquered, the Foreign Office determined that Faisal’s authority over the area that he controls on the Eastern side of the Jordan river should be recognized. Britain recognized Transjordan as an independent government on 15 May 1923, and gradually relinquished control, limiting its oversight to financial, military and foreign policy matters. Il est attribué à Abdallah, second fils du chérif Hussein qui organisa au profit des Britanniques la révolte arabe contre l'empire ottoman en échange d'un royaume arabe qui ne verra jamais le jour. Transjordan's impending independence was recognized on 18 April 1946 by the League of Nations during the last meeting of that organization. Emirat de Transjordanie - Emirate of Transjordan. Cet article porte sur le protectorat britannique de 1921-1946. L'émirat de Transjordanie (arabe : إمارة شرق الأردن Imārāt Sharq al-Urdun) était un protectorat britannique (1921-1946) créé en avril 1921 à la suite d'accords passés pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec les princes arabes de la dynastie hachémite en échange de leur révolte contre les Ottomans. The western boundary of the Turkish vilayet of Damascus before the war was the River Jordan. During the eleventh session of the League of Nations' Permanent Mandates Commission in 1927, Sir John Shuckburgh summarised the status of Transjordan: It is not part of Palestine but it is part of the area administered by the British Government under the authority of the Palestine Mandate. An additional outstanding question was the policy to be adopted in Transjordan to prevent anti-French military actions from being launched within the allied British zone of influence. The Palestine Order in Council, 1922, which established the legal basis for the Mandatory Government in Palestine, explicitly excluded Transjordan from its application apart from giving the High Commissioner some discretionary power there. This resulted in another treaty in March 1948 with Britain in which all restrictions on sovereignty were removed. This disputed area, containing Maan, Aqaba and Petra, had originally been part of the Damascus Vilayet during Ottoman times, though boundaries had never been very precise. [76][77], When King Abdullah applied for membership in the newly formed United Nations, his request was vetoed by the Soviet Union, citing that the nation was not "fully independent" of British control. En mai 1925, Ibn Saoud céda Aqaba et Ma’an, qui devinrent partie intégrante de l’émirat de Transjordanie sous le protectorat britannique. Further, His Majesty's Government have been entrusted with the Mandate for "Palestine". ", From "Observations on Dr. Weizmann's letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies with Reference to Transjordania," Major Somerset and Captain Peake, 14 March 1921, CO 733/15. [53], France transferred the District of Ramtha from Syria in 1921. [80] Members of the U.S. Congress introduced resolutions demanding that the U.S. Representative to the United Nations be instructed to seek postponement of any international determination of the status of Transjordan until the future status of Palestine as a whole was determined. L'accord allouait aux Britanniques les zones géographiques qui correspondent aujourd'hui au désert du Néguev (Israël), au sud de la Cisjordanie (État de Palestine), à la Jordanie et au sud de l'Irak ainsi qu'une enclave autour du port de Haïfa et de la ville d'Acre[8]. Cet émirat sera démantelé à partir de 2001. Il y a 100 ans, en avril 1921, était créé l’émirat de Transjordanie. Le prince Nayef est le sixième et dernier enfant du prince Asem, issu du second mariage de son père, avec Sana Kalimat. 1 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963) 631, See Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers, 1941. Share. The inhabitants of northern Transjordan had traditionally associated with Syria, and those of southern Transjordan with the Arabian Peninsula. [54], With respect to the demographics, in 1924 the British stated: "No census of the population has been taken, but the figure is thought to be in the neighbourhood of 200,000, of whom some 10,000 are Circassians and Chechen; there are about 15,000 Christians and the remainder, in the main, are Moslem Arabs. Rang Portrait Héritier Période Émir Maison 1 Talal ben Abdallah, prince héritier Né le 27 février 1909 à La Mecque (Empire ottoman) — Mort le 7 août 1972 (à 63 ans) à Amman : 1 er avril 1921 — 25 mai 1946 (25 ans, 1 mois et 24 jours) Né en mars 1921, l'émirat de Transjordanie, au-delà du fleuve Jourdain, est détaché de la Palestine historique et placé sous mandat britannique. On 11 April 1921 he formed his first government. Les habitants du nord de la Transjordanie associaient la région avec la Syrie et ceux du sud, avec la péninsule arabique. Définitions de Émirat de Transjordanie, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Émirat de Transjordanie, dictionnaire analogique de Émirat de Transjordanie (français) Quelques jours après l'armistice, le 1er décembre 1918, Georges Clémenceau céda la Palestine et Mossoul aux Britanniques[9]. ", Bentwich wrote: "An agreement was made in February 1928, between His Britannic Majesty and the Emir of Transjordan, varying in important respects the execution of the Mandate for Transjordan which was conferred with the Mandate for Palestine in 1922. Despite this, Jordan was not a full member of the United Nations until 14 December 1955. Husain, however, had never accepted this and had stationed a Vali alongside Faisal's administrator, but the two men had worked in harmony so that the dispute never came to an open struggle. The newly appointed central administration was mainly staffed by Arab nationalist exiles. [12] The geographical area that was later to become Transjordan was allocated to Britain. General, the United Nations Volume I, (1946), 411, Foreign relations of the United States, 1947. Né en mars 1921, l'émirat de Transjordanie, au-delà du fleuve Jourdain, est détaché de la Palestine historique et placé sous mandat britannique. XIII, Paris Peace Conference (1947), p. 100, League of Nations, Official Journal, 1928, p. 1574. L’émirat de Transjordanie (1914-1921) Lorsque se précisent les menaces de guerre, la Grande-Bretagne saisit tout l’intérêt qu’elle peut tirer, sur les plans militaire et politique, de cette fièvre nationaliste qui agite alors les Arabes sous domination ottomane. and King Hussein", Map signed by Sykes and Picot, enclosed within the official Anglo-French correspondence. Dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, les réformes du Tanzimat étudièrent la fondation d'un État dans la région[3]. 12 March 1921 British memorandum explaining the situation of Transjordan: 25 March 1921 proposal, approved a week later, to include Transjordan via Article 25: Klieman writes: "Accordingly, Churchill cabled the Colonial Office on 21 March, asking whether the Cairo proposals would necessitate any special provisions being made in the two mandates...Upon receipt of this cable informal consultation took place between the Colonial Office legal adviser and the assistant legal adviser to the Foreign Office. [86] Jordan was finally admitted to membership on 14 December 1955. La zone géographique pour l'établissement de l'indépendance arabe fut définie comme étant dans « les limites proposées par le Chérif de la Mecque », à l'exception de « portions de Syrie situées à l'ouest des districts de Damas, Homs, Hama et Alep ». Il est attribué à Abdallah, second fils du chérif Hussein qui organisa au profit des Britanniques la révolte arabe contre l'empire ottoman en échange d'un royaume arabe qui ne verra jamais le jour. This arrangement was confirmed in a 27 March 1921, meeting between then colonial secretary, Winston Churchill, and Amir Abdullah. Suppression; Neutralité ; Droit d'auteur; Article de qualité; Bon article; Lumière sur; À faire; Archives; Revenir à la page « Émirat de Transjordanie ». "[55] No census was taken throughout the British mandate period, but the population was estimated to have grown to 300,000 – 350,000 by the early 1940s. His government maintained law and order, improved tax-collection, opened new schools and clinics, built roads, established telegraph and post office services and created sharci and civil courts. Émir autonome de Transjordanie (à partir de 1921) puis roi de Jordanie (1946-1951), né en 1882 à La Mecque, mort le 20 juillet 1951 à Jérusalem. 24. L'émirat est officiellement placé sous mandat britannique par la S.D.N. This affected the goals of Revisionist Zionism, which sought a state on both banks of the Jordan. This page was last edited on 29 April 2021, at 01:01. [42] In April/May 1923 Transjordan was granted a degree of independence with Abdullah as ruler and St John Philby as chief representative. Amir (Prince) Abdullah, a younger son of Sharif Hussein, arrived in Jordan in the fall of 1920 with the intent of regaining Damascus for his Hashemite family. nécessaire] (en arabe : إمارة imārah) est un territoire uni politiquement qui est gouverné par un émir (ou prince en français [réf. On 25 May 1946, the emirate became the "Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan", achieving full independence on 17 June 1946 when in accordance with the Treaty of London ratifications were exchanged in Amman. 10, p. 161, Agreement between his Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan, February 1928, See League of Nations, Official Journal, 1928, p. 1574, See 1919 Foreign Relations, vol. Sous l'administration de l'Empire ottoman, aucune entité administrative ne portait le nom de Transjordanie[1]. This concession was made following British pressure and against the background of the demands of the Zionist Organization for direct contact between Palestine and the Red Sea. [87], This article is about the 1921–46 British protectorate. Le 25 mai, la Transjordanie déclare son indépendance. En 1949, Transjordanie est remplacée par Jordanie. [17], During World War I, Transjordan saw much of the fighting of the Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule. 1921 : Proclamation de l'Emirat de Transjordanie. [69], According to the U.S. State Department Digest of International Law, the status of the mandate was not altered by the agreement between the United Kingdom and the Emirate concluded on 20 February 1928[70] which recognized the existence of an independent government in Transjordan and defined and limited its powers. Constitution de la Transjordanie du 16 avril 1928. In the second half of the nineteenth century, The Tanzimat laid the foundation for state formation in the area. Nouveau!! [44][45], The southern border between Transjordan and Arabia was considered strategic for Transjordan in order to avoid being landlocked, with intended access to the sea via the Port of Aqaba. Britain had, however, made its position clear in August 1924 when it cabled Bullard: "Please inform King Hussein officially that H.M.G. Traductions en contexte de "transjordanie" en français-anglais avec Reverso Context : Les autres sont indiqués comme étant d'Albanie, de la Herzégovine et de la Transjordanie. Entre juillet 1915 et mars 1916, dix missives furent échangées entre Hussein ben Ali, chérif de La Mecque et le Lieutenant-Colonel Henry McMahon, Haut-commissaire britannique d'Égypte[5]. 1 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963) 680–681, See Foreign relations of the United States, 1946. Their suggestion, on the 25th by Shuckburgh, was that...a clause be inserted in each of the mandates ... [Footnote:] The first draft of Article 25 was originally worded "to postpone the application of such provisions," but was altered at Shuckburgh's initiative since "'postpone' means, or may be taken to mean, that we are going to apply them eventually"", Baker explained that "The British had moved in to take advantage of the situation created by Husain's presence in Aqaba and pressed for the annexation of the Hejaz Vilayet of Ma'an to the mandated territory of Transjordan. [60], Transfer of authority to an Arab government took place gradually in Transjordan, starting with Abdullah's appointment as Emir of Transjordan on 1 April 1921, and the formation of his first government on 11 April 1921. The movement claimed that it effectively severed Transjordan from Palestine, and so reduced the area on which a future Jewish state in the region could be established. Rang Portrait Héritier Période Émir Maison 1 Talal ben Abdallah, prince héritier Né le 27 février 1909 à La Mecque (Empire ottoman) — Mort le 7 août 1972 (à 63 ans) à Amman : 1 er avril 1921 — 25 mai 1946 (25 ans, 1 mois et 24 jours) Abdallah I er Maison al-Hashem Report by His Britannic Majesty's Government on the Administration Under Mandate of Palestine and Transjordan for the Year 1924. http://images.library.wisc.edu/FRUS/EFacs/1946v07/reference/frus.frus1946v07.i0017.pdf, "Transjordan, the Hāshimite Kingdom, and the Palestine war", Jordan – History: The making of Transjordan, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Emirate_of_Transjordan&oldid=1020426545, Former British colonies and protectorates in Asia, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters, Pages using multiple image with manual scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. En 1946, l’émirat de Transjordanie se sépare du protectorat britannique et déclare son indépendance en tant que royaume de Tansjordanie. Deuxième fils de ̣Husayn ibn ‘Alī, chérif de La Mecque et roi du Hedjaz, Abdallah fait ses études à Istanbul, alors capitale de l'Empire ottoman. [citation needed], Abdullah established his government on 11 April 1921. Les membres de la famille royale jordanienne ont marqué dimanche le centenaire de la création de l'émirat de Transjordanie, un protectorat britannique qui a précédé le royaume. After the Ottoman defeat in World War I, the Transjordan region was administered within OETA East; after British withdrawal this became the Hashemite-ruled Arab Kingdom of Syria, administering an area broadly comprising the areas of the modern countries of Syria and Jordan. Nevertheless, a precise borderline was still not determined along the territories of Palestine and Trans-Jordan. 1921–1946 : Drapeau (1928–1939) Blason . It was approved by Curzon on 31 March 1921, and the revised final draft of the mandate (including Transjordan) was forwarded to the League of Nations on 22 July 1922.

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