deir yassin givat shaul

In the months leading up to the end of British rule, in a phase of the civil war known as "The Battle of [the] Roads", the Arab League-sponsored Arab Liberation Army (ALA)—composed of Palestinians and other Arabs—attacked Jewish traffic on major roads in an effort to isolate the Jewish communities from each other. [1], The massacre was condemned by the leadership of the Haganah—the Jewish community's main paramilitary force— by the [24] The Lechaim halls,[22] located into the same industrial complex as Armonot Wolf, are also cheaper than wedding halls in other parts of the city. We checked, and found out it was not true. "[88] Mohammed Radwan, one of the villagers who fought the attackers, said: "There were no rapes. These people from Givat Shaul gradually approached and entered the village, and the Lehi and Irgun people had no choice, they had to stop. Palestinian historian Aref al-Aref counted 117 victims, seven in combat and the rest in their homes. Forwarded to the Chief Secretary of the Palestine government, Sir Henry Gurney, by Richard C. Catling, Assistant Inspector General of the Criminal Investigation Division, on April 13, 14 and 16, 1948, dossier no. Dare he face the Truth he was after? He [Hussayn Khalidi] said, 'We have to say this so the Arab armies will come to liberate Palestine from the Jews. Several major synagogues are located here, including the Pressburg Yeshiva and neighborhood synagogue, and the Zupnik - Ner Yisroel synagogue, and the ivy Yeshiva, Ner Moshe, headed by Rabbi Avraham Gurewitz and Rabbi Shalom Shechter. We entered the village around 3:00 in the afternoon. The Givat Shaul industrial zone, sometimes referred to as Givat Shaul Bet, is situated on two parallel streets, Kanfei Nesharim and Beit Hadfus. '[78], The Jordanian newspaper Al Urdun published a survivor's account in 1955, which said the Palestinians had deliberately exaggerated stories about atrocities in Deir Yassin to encourage others to fight, stories that had caused them to flee instead. All Irgun and Lehi veterans Milstein interviewed denied having seen Pa'il in Deir Yassin, and the Lehi intelligence officer who Pa'il claimed invited him to Deir Yassin denied having done so. The attackers took them outside where they executed an already wounded man and one of his daughters. We had prisoners, and before the retreat we decided to liquidate them. [27] In earlier testimony he had claimed that "the reason was mainly economic ... to capture booty" to supply Irgun and Lehi's bases with. Lehi further proposed that any villagers who failed to flee should be killed to terrify the rest of the country's Arabs. Why are you murdering them?" Harry Levin, a Haganah broadcaster, reported seeing "three trucks driving slowly up and down King George V Avenue bearing men, women, and children, their hands above their heads, guarded by Jews armed with sten-guns and rifles. [62], Fifty-five children from the village whose parents had been killed were taken to the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, and left there. Deir Yasin lies on the eastern slope of an 800-meter-high hill. [14] The ALA managed to seize several strategic vantage points along the highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv—Jerusalem's sole supply route and link to the western side of the city (where 16 percent of all Jews in Palestine lived)—and began firing on convoys traveling to the city. [3] These families, mainly Yemenite Jews, were joined by others from Meah Shearim and the Old City. [15] These include two large book publishing houses, Keter Publishing House (established in 1958)[16] and Feldheim Publishers, which established its Israel branch in the 1960s. Many women who watched this horrifying spectacle went crazy, and some are in institutions to this day. The first residents were needy families who were given small plots to grow fresh produce that was marketed in Jerusalem. The revisionists were initially reluctant to let him enter:[56]. Gichon told them "not to throw the bodies into cisterns and caves, because that was the first place that would be checked." Some houses outside the fence of the hospital grounds are used for residential and commercial purposes, or as warehouses. [3], About 130 fighters participated in the attack of which 70 came from Irgun, according to Morris. Just before January 28, Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni had arrived with 400 men and tried to recruit some villagers, but the elders voiced their opposition and the men moved on. The Ashkenazimbuilt the first public bui… On April 8, Deir Yassin youth took part in the defence of the Arab village of al-Qastal, which the Jews had invaded days earlier: the names of several Deir Yassin residents appeared on a list of wounded compiled by the British Palestine police. The orphanage continues to this day. The stretcher bearers only got clubs. Other important rabbis living in Givat Shaul are Rabbi Yehoshua Karlinsky, rabbi of the Beer Avrohom synagogue; Rabbi Tennenbaum, rabbi of the Babad synagogue and Rabbi Shmuel Taussig, Admor of Toldos Shmuel.[20]. The dissidents were going about the village robbing and stealing everything: Chickens, radio sets, sugar, money, gold and more ... Each dissident walked about the village dirty with blood and proud of the number of persons he had killed. Cutting through Ein Karem and Deir Yassin was the Sharafa ridge (Mount Herzl), a strategically important elevation that the Haganah had taken earlier. [2] The only road to and from the village ran eastward passing through Givat Shaul. "[2], Whether houses were blown up or not is disputed. [2] In 1927, the Diskin Orphanage moved to Givat Shaul from the Old City. im palästinensischen Dialekt Dēr Yāsīn) war ein palästinensisches Dorf, heute Teil der im Nordwesten Jerusalems gelegenen orthodoxen Siedlung Giv'at Scha'ul.Das Dorf mit etwa 600 Einwohnern wurde am 9. Two of her own family members were then killed: "Then they called my brother Mahmoud and shot him in our presence, and when my mother screamed and bent over my brother (she was carrying my little sister Khadra who was still being breastfed) they shot my mother too. News of the killings had aroused public anger in the Arab world, which the governments felt unable to ignore. They were not buried. Let them first be angry at themselves." Located in a strategic corridor west of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Givat Shaul, Deir Yassin has become synonymous with … It was the first time a large number of underground fighters had met openly, and the collaboration between the groups increased their sense of solidarity. Yeshurun Schiff who had accompanied the Gadna troops recalled: "I told the commander [of Etzel or Lehi], 'you are swine.' In the houses there were dead, in all about a hundred men, women and children. The Hagana commanders did not inspect the houses. He described beatings, looting, and the stripping of jewelry and money from prisoners. A consensus favoring invasion began to emerge the day after Deir Yassin, at a meeting on April 10 in Cairo of the Arab League Political Committee. "[2] Yehuda Feder of Lehi a few days after the attack wrote that about machine gunning three Arab prisoners: "In the village I killed an armed Arab man and two Arab girls of 16 or 17 who were helping the Arab who was shooting. He published his memoirs Nine Measures in 1986. Shots were heard. I couldn’t tell if it was Lehi people or Etzel people doing the killing. [citation needed], When the Lehi force, which was late, finally arrived at the other end of the village to begin the attack, the fighting was already underway. They ask for arms, cover and personnel, since they didn’t have any professionals. The Arabs rejected the proposal, and civil war broke out. The Irgun commanders had no way to contact them, and had to assume they were on schedule. Pa'il writes that the Haredi people of Givat Shaul came to help the villagers at around 2 p.m., and were able to stop the killing:[59][20]. [4], The villagers put up stiffer resistance than the Jewish militias had expected and they suffered casualties. "[53] Hogan writes that Palmach's quick and injury free success and the small number of Irgun and Lehi casualties demonstrate that Deir Yassin's defenses were neither tough nor professional. [citation needed], The village was situated on a hill 800 meters above sea level[18] and two kilometers south of the Tel-Aviv highway. In addition, Haganah members who were in the area (including the deputy commander of the Palmach force that took part in the attack), some of whom personally knew Pa'il and were specifically mentioned in his account, denied having seen him there. Some people say Pa’il was never there – but no one denies that Givat Shaul and Deir Yassin had a real peace agreement. "[1] Levi wrote to Begin: "On behalf of the truth and the purity of arms of the Jewish soldier in the War of Independence, I see it as my duty to warn you against continuing to spread this untrue version about what happened in Deir Yassin to the Israeli public. They sent the prisoners food and again appealed to the British army to intervene, to no avail. A spokesman said he regretted the casualties among the women and children, but they were inevitable because every house had to be reduced by force. In his memoirs, published in 1950, de Reynier wrote:[68]. In late 1946, the Haganah straightened and paved the dirt track in order to use it as a landing strip. Deir Yassin at the beginning of April 1948, was an Arab village on a hilltop opposite the neighbouring Orthodox Jewish settlement of Givat Shaul. Weg wasn't in the camp and his deputy Moshe Eren refused to make a decision. Sources diverge on whether the armored vehicle was a "truck" or a "car". While Kanfei Nesharim Street has developed into a modern shopping area with many chain stores and stylish office buildings, Beit Hadfus Street remains largely industrial with discount stores and outlets that attract bargain shoppers.[21]. He wrote that the initial orders were to take the men prisoner and send the women and children away, but the order was changed to kill all the prisoners. There are no burial arrangements. He was discouraged from visiting the village by Haganah and the Jewish Agency but insisted on going: "They advised me not to interfere, because if I were to go there, my mission might be ended. "[44][2] Weg described the intervention in his report:[50], I was in the area securing the road from Colonia to Jerusalem. A short while later, he saw a group of around 25 prisoners being led to a quarry between Deir Yassin and neighbouring Givat Shaul. [2] Yisrael Natach was a member of the Shai and were on the day stationed in Ein Karem. [68] His assistant, Dr. Alfred Engel, wrote:[70]. My people surrounded them. "[2], In 1969, the Israeli Foreign Ministry published an English pamphlet "Background Notes on Current Themes: Deir Yassin" denying that there had been a massacre at Deir Yassin, that the village was the home of an Iraqi garrison, and calling the massacre story "part of a package of fairy tales, for export and home consumption". They requested the help of the British, but did nothing further. Some of the Palestinian Arabs were killed in the course of the battle, others while trying to flee or surrender. I also saw one old woman who gave her age as one hundred and four who had been severely beaten about the head with rifle butts. Posts about Giv’at Shaul written by mashreqiyeh. The population consists of a mix of Haredi and Religious Zionist Jews. [citation needed], Deir Yassin was a Palestinian Arab village of several hundred residents, all Muslim, living in 144 houses. The closest Arab towns were Qalunya a few kilometers to the northwest and Ein Karem a few kilometers to the southwest, where the Arab Liberation Army had setup a base. "There was a natural wall there, formed by diggingy. [52] The story is corroborated by Palmach fighter Kalman Rosenblatt who said "Together with six [other] people I went from house to house. "[45] Gorodenchik claimed that 80 prisoners were killed:[46]. ix. The Deir-Yassin fortified position overlooked the westerly Jewish neighbourhoods: Givat Shaul, Bet Hakerem, Yefe Nof, and the road to Bayit Vagan. [104], In 1952 a group of four wounded Irgun and Lehi fighters applied to the Israeli Defense Ministry for veterans' benefits. This was the "cleaning up" team, that was obviously performing its task very conscientiously. Abu Mahmoud, a survivor, told the BBC in 1998 that he did hear the warning. According to Morris, it was agreed during planning meetings that the residents would be expelled. It was about 2:00 or 3:00 PM. [98] Golda Meir, disguised in an Arab robe, met king Abdullah in Amman on May 10–11, the second such meeting between them. [citation needed], On 9 April 1948, Deir Yassin was attacked by Irgun and Lehi forces[8] and between 100 and 110 villagers were killed during the fights or massacred afterward. From the eastern edge of the village nobody came out unhurt. Pa'il objected to violating the peace pact with the village, but Shaltiel maintained that he had no power to stop them. If a warning was read out it was obscured due to the sounds of heavy gunfire and few, if any, villagers heard it. Each rifleman got 40 bullets, each person with a Sten gun 100 bullets, and each fighter two hand grenades. Either in the form of reports produced before or shortly after the attack, or in interviews conducted many years later. This was the phrase that would signal the start of the attack. [1] Several former leaders of the Haganah demanded that the pamphlet be withdrawn on account of its inaccuracy, but the Foreign Ministry explained that "While our intention and desire is to maintain accuracy in our information, we sometimes are forced to deviate from this principle when we have no choice or alternative means to rebuff a propaganda assault or Arab psychological warfare. "[73], For many decades the number of victims were believed to be around 250, based on Raanan's false estimate. These colonies formed a formidable barrier between Deir Yasin and Jerusalem. [2], Thanks to the rapid work of Palmach the fighting was over by about 11:00 am. [25] On February 13, an armed gang of Arabs arrived to attack Givat Shaul, but the Deir Yassin villagers saw them off, the result of which was that the gang killed all the village's sheep. Whether a warning was read out on the loudspeaker is unknown. "[2] According to Lapidot, the Irgun high command, including Menachem Begin, objected and the troops were specifically ordered not to kill women, children, or prisoners. I offered it ... and said, 'Please leave my brother alone, he is so young.'" Frustration over the lack of progress and Arab resistance was taken out on the prisoners which they began executing. Morris writes that this is supported by two Jewish doctors who visited Deir Yassin on April 12 and reported that they found five male bodies in a house by the village quarry. Wioska Deir Yassin, położona w pobliżu Jerozolimy, miała reputację bardzo pokojowej miejscowości. During the Battle for Jerusalem in 1948, the Haganah flew in supplies, armaments, food, and troops on this runway. They were Chareidi (ultra-orthodox) Jews. Yehoshua Gorodenchik, Irgun physician whose testimony was given to the Jabotinsky archives following the war. Larry Collins interview with Hazem Nusseibeh, May 1968, Larry Collins papers, Georgetown University library, cited in, Rodinson, 1968, p. 50 "There were many causes for the Palestinian exodus, the main one being simply that which operated in Spain during the Civil War or in France in 1940: to get away from the theatre of military operations. McGowan, Daniel and Ellis, Marc. Settling the land so soon after the killings would amount to an endorsement of them. [18], Since the late 1980s, aging industrial plants have been replaced by housing projects in Givat Shaul Bet.[19]. Fortunately, help arrived shortly thereafter in the form of ultra-Orthodox Jews from Givat Shaul, who rushed to Deir Yassin in time to shame the attackers into sparing the prisoners. But the decision was reversed after the group appealed. [28], Lapidot in his memoirs claimed that, in the view of Irgun and Lehi, Deir Yassin posed a threat to Jewish neighborhoods and the main road to the coastal plain. Today I would write that their eyes were glazed over, full of lust for murder. No steps were taken against him, and he was not asked to cancel the peace pact. I answered that I would fulfill my duty and that I saw the Jewish Agency as directly responsible for my safety and freedom of action, because it is responsible for all territories under Jewish control. Har HaMenuchot, a Jewish cemetery, lies to the north. The Irgun fighters were instructed to dynamite houses as they advanced. I interviewed many of the women folk in order to glean some information on any atrocities committed in Deir Yassin but the majority of those women are very shy and reluctant to relate their experiences especially in matters concerning sexual assault and they need great coaxing before they will divulge any information. The Lehi force was spearheaded by an armored vehicle with a loudspeaker. The Irgun force came under fire from a three-man village guard in a concrete pillbox, and from houses in the village as residents scrambled for their rifles to join the battle, firing out of windows. If those Palmach guys had stayed, the dissidents wouldn’t have dared to commit a massacre. "[86] Abu Mahmud, who lived in Deir Yassin in 1948, was one of those who complained. [21] Yoma Ben-Sasson, Haganah commander in Givat Shaul, said after the village had been captured that, "there was not even one incident between Deir Yassin and the Jews. Rok później żydowska dzielnica Givat Shaul Bet została zbudowana na ziemi Deir Yassin, pomimo protestów izraelskich uczonych skierowanych do premiera Davida Ben-Guriona .

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