israel, yemen war

San'a's fears increased particularly since the Israeli Intelligence Services had frequently sent vessels to monitor any activity in the Red Sea. Israel media turmoil regarding war in Yemen is while Ansar Allah officials reported before the presence of Israel beside the Saudi coalition. They all have been carried out by anonymous parties. The timing of the bombings has led to an escalation of the violence that ruled out any remaining possibility for talks or reconciliation. The mercenaries later took part in the war on the port town Hodeidah and other fighting zones in Yemen. Historically speaking, Yemen is a genuine part of ancient Arabia. Israel’s leading daily Haaretz says Tel Aviv is a partner to the Saudi war on Yemen and is “reaping the profits” from its partnership in the brutal aggression. People with an Israeli passport or any passport with an Israeli stamp cannot enter Yemen, and Yemen is defined as an "enemy state" by Israeli law. Confused by this policy turnabout, Israeli and Western observers regarded the invitation as a maneuver aimed at dividing the coalition. Rumors spread in South Yemen that shortly before their withdrawal from there, the British collaborated with Israel in an attempt to crush the tribes of Southern Arabia in order to prolong their colonial rule. Commenting on the Yemeni-Eritrean dispute over the three Red Sea islands, and the Eritrean occupation of Greater Hanish, an Iranian source said: Observers believe that the Eritrean move of occupying Greater Hanish was instigated by countries that do not want Yemen to dominate the Bab-el-Mandeb island and strengthen its regional position. However, the Yemeni government offered no more than vocal support. In the same month, in a statement to the Kuwaiti daily Al-Seyassah, the then Yemeni foreign minister Abdul Qadir Bajamal said that all attempts made by Israel to use time to serve its interests in making a peace deal are doomed to failure. Israel persuaded Hilmi to condemn Sallal and the Egyptian involvement against the Royalists. The "Ma'ariv" report was described as "fabricated and baseless in spirit and content". Israel's fight against the shipment of weapons from Iran to organizations under its protection may reach new districts. When Israel Helped Yemen’s Shiites. The Yemeni government did not give publicity to their visit. In Yemen, the peace deal between Israel and the UAE can add to the momentum of hate and mistrust between the Houthis and their local political opponents, who are allied with the Saudi-UAE-led Arab coalition that launched … This made officials in San'a aware that Israel would use force to keep its gateway to the Indian Ocean open. There seems to be a repeated pattern here. But while it did not acknowledge Israel right to exist, the YSP did not call for its liquidation, nor did it call for the establishment of a "secular and democratic" state as the PLO Charter demanded. At the start of 2020, the unhappy war-torn state of Yemen was split four ways. It only showed edited photos of several individuals, whom it claimed carried out the attack. According to the London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, 19 Iraqi pilots were being trained in Yemen in the fall of 1993. But we know in advance, and we were told by the Eritreans before we had a dispute with them that they received a grant from Israel, in the form of four or six boats. [9] Ariel Sharon, who later became Israel's Minister of Housing was reported to have said that 1,600 Yemeni Jews were about to emigrate to Israel, and Integration Minister Rabbi Yitzhak Perez stated that Israel was using "secret efforts to bring 1,500 Jews from Yemen. After hearing about Arab defeat and the establishment of the State of Israel, the new Imam feared that the Israeli government might demand reparations for property left by Jews who immigrated to Israel, and therefore quickly allowed them to leave the country in a massive emigration enterprise known as "Operation Magic Carpet" in which nearly 50,000 Jews were flown safely out of Yemen.[1]. It is noteworthy that starting a war in Yemen is a alarming signal for the Saudis. ", Despite its willingness to moderate its attitude towards Israel, San'a was not ready to take any step which might trigger Arab criticism against it. ISIL has not provided any evidence to support its claim, such as images, or “martyr will” videos by the alleged bombers. Sallal's visit to Damascus in early summer of 1963 was widely publicized in the Arab press as a sign of unity and a revival of all progressive, anti-imperialist forces. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — An attack this week on an Iranian cargo ship that is said to serve as a floating base for Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard forces off the coast of Yemen has escalated a yearslong shadow war in Mideast waters. Coaxed by President Bill Clinton and President Mubarak, the Yemeni government agreed to participate in the peacemaking summit that took place in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt on March 13, 1996. Yemen might be one of the Arab world’s poorest countries, but it has always been a strategic geographic area in the Middle East. Read Dr. Ezzat’s Kindle book “Egypt Knew No Pharaohs Nor Israelites“, Jonas Alexis – Ian Greenhalgh “War on Yemen was a joint plot constructed by the US and the Israeli … Yet despite the official Yemeni statements Israel, low profile contacts between the two countries continued to take place. When Ali Nasir Muhammad came to power as President in October 1980, South Yemen joined Syria, Libya, Algeria, Iraq and the PLO in boycotting Sadat's peace initiative. The end of the Cold War and the demise of the Soviet Union led to reassessment in San'a, which resulted in improved relations with the US and reduced hostility towards Israel. An Open Secret: Israel’s Covert Involvement in Yemen’s War. The Saudis started this and infuriated the Iranians when the Kingdom backed up the rebels and financed the war against Syria’s Assad — Iran’s longtime ally. Yemeni invasion of Saudi Arabia repelled; First Arab–Israeli War (1948–1949) Egypt Iraq Transjordan Syria Lebanon Saudi Arabia Yemen HWA ALA Israel: Defeat. The war began with a surprise joint attack by Egypt and Syria on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. In February 1996, Abd-al-Wahhab Darawsha and Talab al-Sani, both leaders of the Democratic Party and Knesset members arrived in San'a at the invitation of the Yemeni parliament, the House of Representatives. The repeated pattern of using the sectarian tension in the Middle East (mainly Shia vs Sunni) as a game changer and as a fuel to an ensuing sectarian war strongly suggests the involvement of a third party. Yemeni officials suggested that Israel supplied ammunition and equipment to the Eritrean forces in return for military bases on the Red Sea islands. Hence Tel Aviv is not very pleased about Yemen holding sway over the region. Demonstrations took place with the participation of Hamas representative in Yemen, Abdul-Muti Zaqqout who said that "honor and dignity will be restored to the Islamic world once the Zionist regime is defeated". The North Yemen Civil War (Arabic: ثورة 26 سبتمبر ‎, romanized: Thawra 26 Sabtambar, lit. Carol Duff – Johnny Punish [27] On 17 November, Permanent Representative of Yemen to the Arab League, Mohammed al-Haisami called "all Arab states to put an end to the cruel Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip and to stop the crimes committed by Israel on the Palestinian people". When an Egyptian pilot, Captain Abbas Hilmi defected to Israel in 1964, his interrogators learned that the Egyptians were using poison gas against the Yemeni Royalists. Yemeni gov forces retook control of many sites from Iran-backed Houthis in al-Kasarah front northwest Marib today. 90% of world Muslims are Sunni and 10% are Shiite. While Aden preached unity within the PLO camp, it maintained close contacts with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Some analysts say Iran used the conflict in Yemen as a bargaining card in the negotiations with US. Also one of the dramatic and tangible results of the Yemeni war is the formation of a new Arab NATO alliance. They assigned Saudi Arabia to the task, and the kingdom had to bear the costs and acknowledge full responsibility for its offensives against Yemen,” Houthi added. Footage of Houthi pickup carrying ammo while burning Fighting between Marxist South Yemen and the north followed. Since March 29, in Washington, D.C., Iman Saleh, age 26, has been on a hunger strike to demand an end to the war in Yemen. Yemen unified in 1990, but resentment persisted under 22 years of kleptocratic rule by Ali Abdullah Saleh. The historic background of the Sunni–Shia discord lies in the schism that occurred after the Islamic prophet Muhammad died in the year 632, leading to a dispute over succession to Muhammad as a caliph of the Islamic community. The foreign policy resolutions of the Unification Congress of October 1975 called for support for the Palestinians. In January 2000, the Jordanian 'Al Majd' newspaper said, quoting well-informed diplomatic sources in Amman that the Israeli embassy in the Jordanian had tried repeatedly to contact the Yemeni ambassador in Amman, Hassan Al Louzi, by telephone. However, Israel's efforts to find favor in the eyes of the Yemeni Royalists achieved limited results. But whether they decide to stay or leave is a matter for the PLO to decide."[10]. Yemen’s Jews sought out asylum in Israel and the United States due to the country’s ongoing war with Houthi rebel tribes. A prominent Israeli commentator revealed that Israel has been intervening in the Yemeni war between the Houthis and other Yemeni forces to … San'a's attitude toward Israel showed similar tendencies. And when asked about the future of the Palestinian forces stationed in Yemen, he said that: "The Palestinian forces stationed in Yemen are actually in their homeland. In the spring of 1996, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Abd al-Karim al-Iryani said that his government was deeply suspicious of what he called "the Zionist entity's intentions and seriousness in the search for peace". In 2010, Yemen sacked the country's chess team and members of the governing body after its players competed against Israel at a tournament in Belarus. Israel–Yemen relations do not have diplomatic relations and relations between the two countries are very tense. A Shiite uprising could well be the Saudi ticket to the Arab Spring mayhem. It added that the approval given to the singer's visit was "a flying balloon whose purpose is to gauge the response of the nation and the parties before additional steps to normalize relations can be taken." The unification of the two Yemens on May 22, 1990, reduced the vocal campaign against Israel but did not bring normalization. Over the years, Sunni–Shia relations have been marked by both cooperation and conflict, but never outright war like we’re witnessing today. Furthermore, this turmoil could start a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as the one currently underway. 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Sami Jadallah – Stuart Littlewood In a late and hesitant statement, and as if it were an afterthought, ISIL claimed responsibility. While waging a verbal campaign against Israel, Yemen continued to collaborate closely with Iran and Iraq. Responding to accusations made by Washington that South Yemen supported terrorism, Foreign Ministry officials in Aden claimed that supporting the just cause of national liberation movements, suppressed by Zionist imperialist and racist regimes did not constitute an act of terrorism.[6]. The Houthis see a Jewish conspiracy behind for the campaign against them. Arafat was among the dignitaries invited. He made promises to provide Egypt assistance in the war against Israel, but his contributions were minor. [5] In February 1977, Yasser Arafat was cordially received in Aden where he was referred to as "Brother Arafat the President of Palestine," and In March 1977, President Rubiyya Ali met the Somali, Sudanese and YAR chiefs of state in Taiz, in order to consider means of consolidating Arab solidarity "in order to confront Israel's aggressive policy and the Zionist forces supporting it". This would be a huge success for Israel covert operatives and political strategists. In 1995, Yemen and Eritrea had a conflict over the strategic Hanish islands in the Red Sea. [4], In the autumn of 1993, Saleh met Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook, head of the Hamas Political Bureau. JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran on Monday of seeking the means to launch precision-guided … 8 Military Houthi vehicles destroyed, said a military source. Saudi officials announce Yemen ceasefire with Iran-backed Houthi amid pandemic Houthi leaders and Yemen’s internationally recognized government do … In October 2008, security forces arrested six alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence. Yemen's sympathy for Saddam Hussein stemmed not only from its hostility towards Israel, but also from fear of the Saudi threat. According to Iran's Minister of the Interior, Ali Mohammad Besharati, the promotion of his country's relations with Yemen was a pivotal feature of Iranian diplomacy. Therefore, in 1976 South Yemen sent troops as part of the Arab deterrent force in Lebanon, and when Ali Nasser Muhammad visited Moscow in February 1978, the joint communique issued by the two governments condemned the Israeli-Egyptian dialogue. [19], Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh condemned the Israeli raids as a “barbaric aggression”. The site’s sources said Israel also sold bombs and missiles to Saudi Arabia, some of which are banned. The organ of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, Al-Thawri, claimed that the attempt to improve relations with Israel was part of a Yemeni grand design to become friendly with the United States. With the start of Arab Spring uprisings, Iraq followed by Syria have been turning into theaters for covert operations and proxy wars, all carried out under the guise of Shia/Sunni conflict. Actually violence between the two sects has been escalating since the American invasion of Iraq 2003. Recent activities of Israel from attacking Iranian “Saviz” ship to air raids to Damascus are not irrelevant to this turmoil. Yet another Arab country is crumbling under the winds of the Arab Spring — soon turned to Islamist winter. The crowd chanted "Palestinians we are with you and will never forget about you". Jack Speer Williams – Gilad Atzmon, Ashraf Ezzat is an Egyptian born in Cairo and based in Alexandria. In 1983, it played a major diplomatic role in restoring unity within the Palestinian camp.[8]. Most emigrated to Israel in the mid-20th century. Israeli Intelligence Service's documents reveal that it had a detailed knowledge of the magnitude of South Yemen's assistance to the Palestinians. The Middle East couldn’t get more complicated. [22], The Yemeni Parliament strongly condemned the Israeli attack and demanded for "an Islamic army to encounter the Israeli arrogance."[23]. We would have hoped that the Gaza-Jericho First Agreement would have also included the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In 1964 Yemen joined twelve Arab states at a summit in Cairo, whose purpose was to plan reprisals against Israel for its diversion of the Jordan River. Most in Yemen are condemned to a gloomy future, not only due to the developments on the ground but also because of the flurry of approvals given by the US to both the Saudi coalition and Israel, countries with an appalling record of human rights abuses, still launching a war against the poorest country in the Middle East. [21] Following the war Yemen has prepared 42 tons of aid for the people of Gaza. History Dept. Zarif slams US policy as ‘Netanyahu firsters,' blames Israel for Yemen war Blaming Israel for the US support of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen represents a new stretch, even for the Iranian regime. In March the Israeli airline, El Al, asked permission to use Yemeni airspace for its flights to the Far East but this was refused. Given Israel’s support for countries involved in genocidal wars in the past and its own treatment of Palestinians, it is unlikely that Israel’s government would feel constrained by any moral dilemmas if it chose to join the coalition’s war in Yemen despite the humanitarian crisis that war has provoked. In an interview to Radio Amman, Yemen's Deputy Information Minister Abd-al-Rahman al-Akwa denied reports from Israeli and American sources that attempts were being made to transfer Yemeni Jews to Israel. The development comes just as world powers are negotiating over Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal. Any turmoil in Yemen could affect the world maritime economics and shipping, especially oil carriers. Most emigrated to Israel in the mid-20th century. Do you expect it to support Yemen, which has not yet announced an end to the state of war with Israel? After unification, and with the pooling of the resources of its north and south, Yemen attained a position that gave it the power to compete with regional powers ... Israel has always had its eye on the Red Sea so that the countries that have no problems with Israel might attain predominance in the region. The Houthis blamed Al Qaeda of Yemen for the bombings, but Al Qaeda denied responsibility. In the early fall of 1987, relatively little attention was paid to the Arab-Israeli conflict due to the fact that the threat from Iran became the Arab world's primary occupation, and the YAR was just as concerned about the Iranian threat as its neighbors in South Arabia.[3]. Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen. Parliamentary speaker Abdullah al-Ahmar said that those countries who decided to attend the summit would be serving Israel's interests. [28] On November 19, hundreds marched in Sana'a to "affirm their solidarity with those under siege in the Gaza strip". In an interview to Al-Ahram, Saleh said that he conferred with Egyptian President's Hosni Mubarak, and told him that it was beyond his comprehension how the Arabs continuously engaged in negotiations with Israel while they remained at odds with each other. [2], Following the Six-Day War, Yemen severed its diplomatic relations with the US due to "Washington's blind support to Israel against the Arab cause in Palestine" and condemned Israel for its occupation of Palestinian land. In the spring of 1993, Israeli sources said that some 100 Jews immigrated secretly to Israel. The YSP was no less critical of the government's policy. When interviewed by the Egyptian press, Basindwah said that his government would support any decision made by the Palestinians. Then, in an about-face, the Government of Yemen invited General Norman Schwarzkopf to visit San'a. In one case, the Iranians alternately accused Israel, the United States and Saudi Arabia when a ship carrying an oil shipment was damaged by an explosion in the Red Sea, opposite the coast of Yemen, in October 2019. Others believe the Shia Houthis/Sunni Tribes civil war has been initiated to divert focus off the Syrian-Iraqi fronts, where Iran is also gaining significant control. Following the seizure of the Achille Lauro passenger ship by the Palestinians in October 1987, Ali Nasir feared an Israeli strike, and therefore denied that PLO forces were stationed on an island controlled by South Yemen. In an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, Saleh expressed his country's unqualified support for Egypt. Gold And Silver – Nothing Of Substance Going On. Yemen's opposition parties became more vocal during the summer of 1997, when Israel's right-wing Likud government did not show willingness to accelerate the peace process. Reportedly, the meeting once again focused on visits, refugees and Israeli investments. When South Yemen embarked on an initiative to normalize relations with Oman in the late 1980s, the official statement from Aden was: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, "normalizing relations between the PDRY and the Sultanate of Oman is one of the PDRY's goals in securing the stability of the region and avoiding the hostile dangers that threatens our people as a result of the growing imperialist military presence and the U.S. and Israeli plots against our Arab peoples", Yet after the 1973 blockade, Yemen did not interrupt the free navigation of Israeli ships originating from Eilat, and when Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin visited Aden in September 1979, South Yemen was prepared to accept the principle of freedom of navigation for all ships from "all adjoining states". The US-brokered Israel-UAE normalisation deal triggered mixed reactions in the Middle East. [25] The unnamed spoken also said that "The Yemeni government calls for the international community to bare their responsibilities towards the Zionist offensive and take swift action to stop this brutal aggression". Yemen occupies a strategic position at the entrance to the Red Sea and its control of the Bab-el-Mandeb, Israel's outlet to the Indian Ocean and the Far East, which increased its importance in the eyes of Israeli strategists. Yemen has also declared its readiness to receive 500 injured Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and treat them in Yemeni hospitals.

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