kim jong un personality

“How strong is Kim Jong-un? The train’s presence does not prove the whereabouts of the North Korean leader or indicate anything about his health, but it does lend weight to reports that Kim is staying at an elite area on the country’s eastern coast. Image: ©2020 Planet Labs, Inc. cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 via 38 North. (Photo: KCNA), Commentary by Kenneth B. Dekleva, M.D. Kim Jong-un ist aus dem goldenen Gefängnis seines Vaters ausgezogen. Professor Han S. Park, director of the University of Georgia’s Department of International Affairs, says the Party, not Kim Jong Un, controls North Korea; (News about Kim Jong-un, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times), The Associated Press and Reuters via North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, on Feb. 16, 2012. After leaving Europe, he is reported to have attended Pyongyang’s Kim Il Sung Military University, an officer training school, but virtually nothing else is known about him. Experts agree, however, that because the leadership dynamics in Pyongyang are murky, it’s impossible to know how far Kim, or whoever is running the country, will go. Second, and equally problematic, is the tendency of news reports and media commentary to conflate regime behavior and Kim’s personal traits. Analysts said Friday there’s a familiar method to the madness coming out of North Korea, where the rookie supreme leader has put rockets on standby, threatened to “settle accounts” with the U.S., and posed near a chart that appeared to map missile strikes on American cities. A strong response by the U.S. or South Korea, such as this week’s B-2 bomber flyover, helps rally domestic support and distract from economic problems. Interviewed briefly last month in the Chinese gambling enclave of Macau by Japanese television, Jong Nam said he had heard reports that his younger brother, Jong Un, had been chosen as successor but couldn’t comment because that “is a very sensitive question.”. Among Kim Jong Il’s three sons, Kim Jong Un is seen as most like his father in manner and personality. This is difficult to believe, however, given that Mr. Kim murdered his half-brother, Kim Jong-Nam, with VX nerve agent in February. Surprise, surprise, Kim Kyong-hui and Jang Sung-Taek are the ones really pulling the strings. You don’t get to bang your spoon on the table and somehow you get your way.”, Asked if he thought Kim Jong Un was unstable, Obama said, “I’m not a psychiatrist, and, I don’t know the leader of North Korea.”, But he said that “the actions they’ve taken, the rhetoric they’ve engaged in has been provocative.” …, Intelligence on North Korea, and Its New Leader, Remains Elusive, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, on Feb. 16, 2012. Kim Il Sung’s cult of personality is perhaps one of the most recognizable things about North Korea. The personality profile of North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un (Working Paper No. But he has steadily reverted to form,” adopting the approach of his father and grandfather in using the perception of an external threat to solidify support at home. (Photo: Joongang Sunday / AFP — Getty Images), The Associated Press via Leaders possessing this personal quality … It is also possible that some male member of the Kim family could be put forth as a figurehead for legitimacy purposes, instead of Kim Yo Jong. (Photo: David Guttenfelder / Associated Press), (Choe Sang-Hun and David E. Sanger, New York Times, Dec. 24, 2013), Photo of Kim Jong-nam slumped in a chair in Kuala Lumpur International Airport published by Malaysia’s New Straits Times, reportedly showing the last moments of. Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (3rd ed.). Anzeige. That sort of question is the domain of intelligence analysts and others who engage in psychological profiling. The first obstacle is the secrecy surrounding the Kim dynasty, exacerbated by the state-sponsored cult of personality and deification of the Kim family. FAQ Kim Jong-un is a North Korean politician serving as Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011 and the leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) since 2012. If other leaders reach … North Korea has enhanced its nuclear capabilities and Kim Jong Un has something to prove to his people and the world. At his spacious apartment on Kirchstrasse, said one friend who visited, Pak Un had a room filled with American basketball paraphernalia. After months of speculation, the state KCNA news agency announced on Wednesday that the untested Kim Jong Un had been made second in command to his father at the ruling party’s powerful Central Military Commission. Some analysts in South Korea have expressed uncertainty about whether Kim Jong Un has definitely been selected as successor, noting that no official announcement has yet been made by Pyongyang. “Because I was educated in the West, I was able to enjoy freedom from early age, and I still love being free,” Kim Jong Nam reportedly told the Japanese journalist. Attending in their place, Burri said, were assorted North Koreans who apologized for the parents’ absence and said this was due to their inability to speak German. The Personality Profile of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un … American analysts and intelligence experts said they believe the ground test … was intended as a signal that the country could soon resume testing of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Ri Sol-ju (Korean: 리설주; Hanja: 李雪主; born c. 1985–89) is the wife of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, and First Lady of North Korea.. Little is known about her from official North Korean sources, but outside sources have speculated more about her background. Schooling, he added, is a “question of culture,” and a North Korean schooled in Liebefeld “will take something away that will have an effect on his life.” Pak Un, along with fellow students, had three classes a week on Swiss history from 1291 and the evolution of the country’s modern system of governance known as “direct democracy,” as well as current events, which in 2000 included the U.S. election campaign. Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un wurde seit Tagen nicht öffentlich gesehen. He also has four daughters. Given his Outgoing–Dominant primary personality composite, Kim may be classified as a high-dominance extravert. With Kim Jong Il, 67, now ailing, North Korea is preparing to hand the baton to the third generation — and gearing up for a new round of hagiography and mythmaking. The Darker Side of Hillary Clinton’s Character, Comparing Clinton and Obama, Head-to-Head, Some Character Traits Will Help Hillary in Her Race for U.S. Senate, Others May Hinder, Personality Profile of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, Image: ©2020 Planet Labs, Inc. cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 via, Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, [scroll down for April 2017 and April 2018 updates], Preliminary analysis of the data suggests that Kim Jong-un is. Kim Jong Un may need to consolidate his political power at home. Dauntless individuals tend to flout tradition, conventional standards, and cultural mores, dislike following routine, and may act impulsively and recklessly; they are resistant to coercion and may exhibit a strong need for autonomy and self-determination. …, North and South Korean Leaders to Meet for Historic Summit on April 27, South Korean soldiers stand as vehicles carrying a South Korean delegation pass the Unification Bridge, which leads to Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone, South Korea, Thursday, March 29, 2018. “It is another step toward a new power structure which will consist of Kim Jong Un, a young and inexperienced dictator, and two people — his aunt and her husband — who will be making all real political decisions while mentoring the young leader,” said Andrei Lankov, a North Korea expert at Kookmin University. … Full report, Aggressive talk from North Korea concerns U.S. leaders (Ernesto Londoño and Karen DeYoung, Washington Post, March 30, 2013) — The senior official agreed that Kim’s style is sharply different from his father’s, “including putting himself out in front of the cameras. ), Handbook of Personology and Psychopathology (pp. Nun wurde dessen Privatzug offenbar über Satellitenbilder gesichtet – in einem besonderen Gebiet. Seltsame Moden, Pornos und grausame Hinrichtungen – die Gerüchte über ihn werden … Wohin? Other reports said that China had sent doctors to Pyongyang to save him. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will come bearing a list of concerns over Trump’s face-to-face with Kim when he arrives in the US next month to meet with the President, a person familiar with the Japanese efforts said. Kim called for a “new era” in bilateral relations in a letter to Xi published on North Korean state media and invited the Chinese President to visit Pyongyang. Kim Jong-un’s major personality-based leadership strength is a distinctly outgoing tendency, supplemented by an accommodating inclination, a fitting descriptive label for which would be congenial–cooperative. With no parents in sight, Pak Un was watched over and waited on by North Koreans who appeared to combine the duties of servants, guardians and guards. Personality Disorders in Modern Life. Sonne-MC Chart (keine Geburtszeit) Artikel: Der Morgenstern, Quo Vadis, Kim Korea? A hereditary dynasty, it mixes communist cant with Confucian emphasis on the primacy of family ties. …, Surprise Meetings and Potential Pitfalls; Trump Preps for North Korea, By Kevin Liptak and Jeremy Diamond Containing North Korea: The Psychological Profile of Kim Jong-Il. Kim Jong-un delivers his 2013 New Year’s Day address in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korea is “very adept at engaging at psychological warfare,” Lee said. Mainland Strike Plan”).] A pair of Korean women, says Imhof, often observed him playing basketball and sometimes videotaped the action. (Joe Sterling, CNN, March 28, 2013) — Is [Kim Jung-un’s] behavior erratic or staged? Over the years, he has turned the embassy into the nerve center for Pyongyang’s sometimes furtive contacts with businessmen, bankers, officials and aid workers from across Europe. Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics “They’re a very small country dealing with much more powerful countries, and they can’t show any weakness. All have had to sign loyalty letters. (Photo credit: North Korea’s November 25, 2010 artillery attack on Yeonpyeong island, in conjunction with the sinking of the South Korean warship, (Choe Sang-Hun and David E. Sanger, New York Times, March 31, 2013), (Ernesto Londoño and Karen DeYoung, Washington Post, March 30, 2013), acting in ways a bit more extreme than his father, North Korean vice marshal may be pushing war, — Threats of war from North Korean may be spiking due to an aggressive vice marshal [Choi Ryong Hae] close to leader Kim Jong Un. Personality matters. We don’t know exactly. The American Council on Science and Health | At about the same time, Kim Jong Il launched a secret program to produce highly enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb. GOYANG, SOUTH KOREA (THE KOREA HERALD/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - Kim Jong Un's handwriting hints at confident, feisty personality, experts say. Rumors are swirling on the internet that Kim Jong-un is in a vegetative state or has died as the result of a botched cardiac procedure; however, there has been no confirmation of these reports by official government agencies or reliable sources. On April 29, the train is situated in the same position as before. In a new Brookings Essay, Jung Pak sheds light on the personality, upbringing and goals of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un. 198–225). Instead, the president should stay the course by continuing to emphasize his special relationship with Kim to accommodate his need for self-validation and permit him to save face as his nation’s supreme leader in the aftermath of the failed Hanoi summit. Now that he’s gone, he added, “there is no need to go into the matter.”. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met with the Chinese president on a surprise trip to Beijing this week, his first visit abroad since he took power in 2011. He first started school after the summer holidays in 1998, a time when it looked as if North Korea might soon collapse. “If I wasn’t sure I could make a shot, I always knew he could.”. [40] …. In I. Pyongyang is stewing over the U.N. Security Council, with the support of China, tightening sanctions after satellite and nuclear testing that suggested they could one day attack the U.S. But they also seem to be alike personality-wise, or at least much closer than Kim Jong Un’s personality is to his father’s. Citing e-mails exchanged between Kim Jong Nam and a Japanese journalist, South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper said that the dictator’s son described the country’s dynastic succession as “a joke to the outside world.”, Kim Jong Nam also predicted that his half brother Kim Jong Un would be “just a nominal figure,” adding: “The members of the power elite will be the ones in actual power.”. …, The efforts have fed into a working group convened by the National Security Council’s top Asia hand, Matthew Pottinger. David Kang and Victor Cha, writing in Foreign Policy, say “don’t bet on it.” They say he’s a contrast to his introverted dad, Kim Jong Il. … Full report, North Korean Man Arrested in Kim Jong Nam’s Death. Dominant individuals enjoy the power to direct others and to evoke obedience and respect; they can be tough and unsentimental and often make effective leaders. North Korea’s diplomatic charm offensive is likely part of an attempt to show Kim as a world player equal in stature to leaders like Xi, said Jean Lee, an analyst at the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy at The Wilson Center. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. “And if he’s not, we’ll be ready.” … Full report, Analysis: What’s Kim Jong Un up to? Thursday’s North and South Korean delegations were both headed by the same men who engaged in the first negotiations in January, after Pyongyang agreed to reopen diplomatic communications with Seoul. | North Korean Ri Jong Chol was arrested Friday in Selangor, Malaysia. Apart from the broader story of Kim Jong Un’s personality and leadership, the book ends up illuminating uncomfortable examples of why the US has been stuck in the same swamp after so many years—decades, actually—of contact with the North. January 17, 2012. There Shall Be No God But Kim Jong Un. Her husband was also awarded new political titles. …, Kim Jong Un vowed ‘real war’ if rocket was shot down (AP, Reuters, Jan. 8, 2012) — North Korea’s young leader vowed in 2009 to wage war if the country’s enemies shot down a rocket, footage aired on state television showed Sunday in the first official word of his role in military operations before his father’s death. NBC’s Jim Maceda reports. 2.0). Pak Un’s former friends are more curious and say they’d like to know the real identity of the teenager they used to hang out with. Kim’s Swiss-educated, youngest son was made a four-star general in his first mention in North Korea’s state media on Tuesday. The personality profile yielded by the MIDC was analyzed in accordance with interpretive guidelines provided in the MIDC and Millon Index of Personality Styles manuals. Personality and Social Psychology (pp. A remote psychological assessment of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is currently in progress [scroll down for April 2017 and April 2018 updates], using the third edition of the Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC), which yields 34 normal and maladaptive personality classifications congruent with Axis II of DSM-IV. May 6, 2013, WASHINGTON — The black hole of North Korea intelligence gathering is getting blacker. But the North Koreans have not themselves confirmed Kim’s intent to meet with Trump. Nur dann erfolgt auch eine Verbindung zu den jeweiligen Sozialen Medien wie Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp und Telegram . During his time in Liebefeld, friends remembered, Pak Un showed scant interest in politics and never vented publicly against Americans. …, The most recent intelligence failures included what administration officials now acknowledge was the C.I.A.’s initial judgment — now reversed — that the North’s young new leader, Kim Jong-un, was probably more interested in economic reform than in following his father’s and grandfather’s “military first” policy of bolstering the North’s missile and nuclear arsenals, and threatening to use them unless the world came to its door. Eds. Apparently, it’s Kim Jong-un, but we are not sure about the inner-circle decision-making process.” [emphasis added], It is a measure of the varying interpretations inside the United States government that, testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III, the head of the Pacific Command, called Mr. Kim “impetuous” and “more unpredictable” than his father. After weeks of escalating tensions and threatening nuclear war, shooting off a missile that causes no damage will give Kim Jong Un the opportunity to save face with his people — and appease his military — without inviting serious retaliation, experts say. The Swiss education of North Korea’s apparent future leader raises a tantalizing question: Did it open his horizons beyond the narrow, xenophobic worldview of his homeland, where schools bombard pupils with the evils of “U.S. Place a high premium on external approval, to the extent that in some respects they may value themselves more in terms of their relationships with others than for their own intrinsic qualities; by allying themselves with the virtues of others, they bolster themselves through a sense of shared competence. Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University, St. Joseph and Collegeville, MN. However, the engine is no longer parked alongside the south end of the train. The team concluded that Mr. Kim’s personality was inconsistent with North Korea’s continued belligerence, which made the profilers wonder if somebody else was actually running the country. GRATIS Versand durch Amazon. …, North Korea Executes Jang Song Thaek; More Purges May Follow, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek, center, is arrested during an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party in Pyongyang on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013. Other Political Science Commons, Both were born to Kim Jong Il’s third wife, a former dancer who died in 2004. The photo’s release comes after the younger Kim earlier this week was handed top military and party posts at a Workers’ Party conference. Preliminary analysis of the data suggests that Kim Jong-un is not calling the shots, and therefore is either not fully in control of the leadership in North Korea or is permitting others to take the lead in military matters; the bellicose rhetoric emanating from the DPRK is inconsistent with Kim Jong-un’s congenial–cooperative personality pattern. …, North Korea’s ‘Illustrious’ Son Has Busy Year, North Korea leader Kim Jong Il’s son Kim Jong Un attends a military parade marking the 65th anniversary of the ruling Workers’ Party in Pyongyang, North Korea, on Oct. 10, 2010. The New York Times notes that the DPRK “has shied away from using harsh language against the United States or Mr. Trump” and that by “only indirectly blaming Washington for the failure and voicing hopes for better ties,” the Rodong Sinmun commentary “appeared to signal a willingness to keep diplomacy alive with the United States.”. (01:57), Clapper: Family has some influence on young N. Korean leader, — National Intelligence Director James Clapper discusses his assessment of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un while testifying on Capitol Hill Thursday. Rather, Kim has carefully allowed his subordinates to give lip service to a “Christmas gift,” and he has substituted strategic ambiguity for his previously demonstrated (during 2018) nuclear opacity. …. Framework on North Korea Is Very Clear, America’s Newsroom (April 30, 2018) — Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane says the Central Intelligence Agency has the best profile of Kim Jong Un and former director Mike Pompeo understands Kim better than anybody and, based on the intelligence the CIA has, believes Kim is a rational actor. … This month, a senior administration official told CNN that Kim Jong Un was “acting in ways a bit more extreme than his father, who was colder and more calculated.” … Kang and Cha said the question that should be asked about Kim is whether he is turning out to be adventurous or cautious. His father was very reclusive and preferred to shove other people out into the limelight.” … Deterrence involves both prevention and punishment, Adm. James Winnefeld, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said. “We’re seeing a carefully crafted North Korean strategy on diplomacy unfold on the world stage, starting with Beijing,” Lee said. At the same time, we also know that Kim Jong-un won’t hesitate to apply inhumane physical violence when it comes to the situation of threatening the country or his reputation as a supreme leader of DPRK. Officials even say Jong Un, who was on hand for a recent state visit by Laos’ president, has been entrusted with full leadership of the country while his father has made extended trips to China and Russia over the last year. “We thought he was ill or something and would soon be back. Lucas Vetsch, Amanda Olson, and Austen Luetmer present “The Personality Profile of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un” at St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minn., April 26, 2018. Leaders possessing this personal quality can be expected to be jovial, socially gregarious, agreeable, accommodating, and obliging in their relationships with others; they are characteristically gracious, neighborly, and benevolent, pre­ferring to avoid conflict and seek harmony with others. But the profilers would likely warn us that it is very easy to conflate an individual leader’s psychological profile with the actions of the regime. But if the bluster is predictable, the results may not be. Many believe Kim’s incessant saber-rattling — irritating even China and Russia — is an effort to recompense North Korea’s powerful military leaders and consolidate a weak power base. Noch immer herrscht Unklarheit über den Gesundheitszustand von Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un. Narushige Michishita, a security expert at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, suggested that Jang’s removal shows “that Kim Jong Un has the guts to hold onto power, and this might have shown his will to power, his willingness to get rid of anything that stands in his way.” …, Jang’s removal leaves no clear No. A boy identified by South Korean TV station KBS as Kim Jong Un, the third son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, is seen in this image. | T-Shirts, Poster, Sticker, Wohndeko und mehr zum Thema Kim Jong Un in hochwertiger Qualität von unabhängigen Künstlern und Designern aus aller Welt. The son of Dear Leader Kim Jong-il was hurriedly promoted to the rank of four-star general before succeeding his father following Kim Jong-il’s death in December, 2011. China’s ambassador in Washington, Cui Tiankai, traveled to the White House on Tuesday afternoon to brief officials, confirming that it was indeed Kim who had paid a visit to President Xi Jinping. These attributes could serve North Korea well with respect to greater openness in the international arena. April 28, 2020 Update: Medical Opinion by Kenneth B. Dekleva, M.D. Yet the view that Mr. Kim has become as powerful as his father is not universal. Both Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Un … Paper presented at the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Chicago, July 6–9, 2012. She recalled that she dismissed the claim as a fanciful teenage boast, but had second thoughts when her son saw pictures of Kim Jong Il on television and told her that he’d seen the same man in a photograph with Pak Un. In fact, the authors conclude that “at worst, [he has] only a moderate predisposition to aggressive behavior.” [Note: New update published April 2018]. He has not tested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) or resumed nuclear testing—nor is he likely to do so, although a public “display” of a new ICBM or ballistic missile submarine is not out of the question. Kim is set to attend a summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in next month, and, in a bombshell move, US President Donald Trump has also accepted an invitation to meet Kim. Poster presented at the 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, San Antonio, TX, July 4-7, 2018. Japanese and South Korean newspapers killed off his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, and his father, Kim Jong Il, multiple times in the years before either man actually died. An initial leadership group would likely be set up that includes those above, as well as members from the Party, military, and internal security.

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