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B.16 Vacation and sick leave administration. An employee may not present an individual grievance relating to any action taken under any instruction, direction or regulation given or made by or on behalf of the Government of Canada in the interest of the safety or security of Canada or any state allied or associated with Canada. Also included are free bonus chapters with amazing insider strategies on: Getting a job in the department of Global Affairs and how to excel in the highly competitive Post Secondary Recruitment (PSR) exams, even if you are not good at standardized tests. before the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or a committee of the Senate or House of Commons otherwise than in the performance of the duties of the employee’s position. For travel by public transportation, the time between the scheduled time of departure and the time of arrival at a destination, including the normal travel time to the point of departure, as determined by the Employer. Pay: • Effective June 22, 2018 a pay adjustment of 2% • Effective June 22, 2018 a market adjustment of 0.8% • Effective June 22, 2019 a pay adjustment of 2% • Effective June 22, 2019 a … Because the parties to this agreement share a desire to improve professional standards, employees may be given the opportunity on occasion subject to operational and budgetary constraints: to participate in seminars, workshops, courses or similar out-service programs to keep up to date with knowledge and skills in their respective fields. 24.12 When the Employer cancels or alters a period of vacation leave which it has previously approved in writing, the Employer shall reimburse the employee for the non-returnable portion of vacation contracts and reservations made by the employee in respect of that period, subject to the presentation of such documentation as the Employer may require. The rate on the deposit facility, which banks may use to make overnight deposits with the Eurosystem. EC - Economics and Social Science Services Group Annual Rates of Pay (in dollars) Information block 5: About available positions About available positions. 15.01 The FPSLRA provides penalties for engaging in illegal strikes. The amount of leave with pay credited to an employee by the Employer at the time when this agreement is signed, or at the time when the employee becomes subject to this agreement, shall be retained by the employee. where an employee has received the full fifteen (15) weeks of maternity benefits under the Employment Insurance and thereafter remains on maternity leave without pay, she is eligible to receive a further maternity allowance for a period of one (1) week at ninety-three per cent (93%) of her weekly rate of pay, less any other monies earned during this period. All leave provisions which specify days in this agreement shall be converted to hours with one (1) day being equal to seven decimal five (7.5) hours. 24.11 The Employer agrees to issue advance payments of estimated net salary for vacation periods of two (2) or more complete weeks, provided a written request for such advance payment is received from the employee at least six (6) weeks prior to the last pay day before the employee’s vacation period commences. is not in his or her home port, reports for sailing in accordance with posted sailing orders or as otherwise required by the Master. Maternity allowance payments made under the SUB Plan will neither reduce nor increase an employee’s deferred remuneration or severance pay. The parental allowance to which an employee is entitled is limited to that provided in paragraph (c) and an employee will not be reimbursed for any amount that he or she is required to repay pursuant to the. 24.13 Upon request of the employee, the Employer shall grant the employee his or her unused vacation leave credits prior to termination of employment if this will enable the employee, for purposes of severance pay, to complete the first (1st) year of continuous employment in the case of layoff. benefits for up to twenty-six (26) weeks (one hundred and thirty (130) working days) with income support replacement at one hundred per cent (100%); the annual allotment shall be nine (9) days of paid sick leave for illness or injury that falls outside of the parameters of the EWSP; one hundred per cent (100%) income replacement during the three (3) day (working) qualification period when the employee’s claim is approved; qualifying chronic or episodic illnesses will be exempt of the waiting period; the qualification period will be waived in cases of hospitalization or recurrence of a prior illness or injury approved under EWSP within thirty (30) days; employees are entitled to carry over a maximum of three (3) days of unused sick leave credits remaining at the end of the fiscal year, for use in the following fiscal year; the accumulation of current sick leave credits will cease once the EWSP is implemented. The leave shall be scheduled at a time convenient to both the employee and the Employer. As evidenced in the news, a major point of negotiation between the two bargaining parties is the Sick Leave section of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. For greater certainty, payments made pursuant to 25.05 to 25.08 or similar provisions in other collective agreements shall be considered as a termination benefit for the administration of 25.02. In the case of access to vessels, the Association representative upon boarding any vessel must report to the Master, state his or her business and request permission to conduct such business. to give employees who are required to work overtime adequate advance notice of this requirement. 49.07 Notwithstanding clause 49.05, for an employee working in an institution where she is in direct and regular contact with offenders, if the Employer concludes that a modification of job functions or a reassignment that would avoid the activities or conditions indicated in the medical certificate is not reasonably practicable, the Employer shall so inform the employee in writing and shall grant leave of absence with pay to the employee for the duration of the risk as indicated in the medical certificate. Travel time shall be compensated with a payment, except where upon request of an employee and with the approval of the Employer, travel time shall be compensated by leave with pay. Any allowance already being received by the employee and not part of the employee’s basic salary shall not be used in the calculation of the education leave allowance. 10.08 The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless against any claim or liability arising out of the application of this article, except for any claim or liability arising out of an error committed by the Employer limited to the amount actually involved in the error. Compensation shall not be paid under Article 30 (travelling time) in respect of hours travelling to or from a conference or convention under the provisions of this clause, unless the employee is required to attend by the Employer. 24.06 Where in respect of any period of vacation leave, an employee is granted: the period of vacation leave so displaced shall either be added to the vacation period, if requested by the employee and approved by the Employer, or reinstated for use at a later date. G.10 The Employer or the Association, as the case may be, may by written notice to the officer-in-charge withdraw a grievance. They can still have their full salary but their secretarial allowance can be halved. Where technological change is to be implemented, the Employer will seek ways and means of minimizing adverse effects on employees which might result from such changes. The Employer may suggest revisions to material and may withhold approval to publish such articles and papers to which clause 44.01 refers. Canadian Association of Professional Employees, Group: Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, upon request of an employee and the concurrence of the Employer, an employee may complete his or her weekly hours of employment in a period other than five (5) full days provided that over a variable hour schedule the employee works an average of thirty-seven decimal five (37.5) hours per week. At the Employer’s discretion, recognition of authorship will be given where practicable in departmental publications. In the event that an alternate time of departure and/or means of travel is requested by the employee, the Employer may authorize such alternate arrangements, in which case compensation for travelling time shall not exceed that which would have been payable under the Employer’s original determination. 96/71/EC in a selected number of Member States and sector 9 protection. In addition to a comprehensive array of fitness equipment, it features an indoor track, Olympic-sized pool, warm water pool, hot tub and sauna. Previously many members could have an extra salary through surpluses on travel allowances. Overtime shall be compensated with a payment except where, upon request of an employee and with the approval of the Employer, overtime may be compensated in equivalent leave with pay. An employee is entitled to a personal learning plan which will be jointly developed with the responsible manager. where the Employer originates a meeting with the employee who has presented the grievance, leave with pay when the meeting is held in the headquarters area of the employee and on duty status when the meeting is held outside the employee’s headquarters area. Subject to the operational requirements of the service, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort: 28.10 Subject to operational requirements, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to avoid excessive overtime. Retroactive amounts payable to employees will be implemented within one hundred and eighty (180) days after signature of the agreement where there is no need for manual intervention. EC rates are revised. Kindly check the rates before booking the FCNR Fixed Deposit. An employee who has been granted maternity leave without pay shall be paid a maternity allowance in accordance with the terms of the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan described in paragraphs (c) to (i), provided that she: has completed six (6) months of continuous employment before the commencement of her maternity leave without pay. beginning on the day on which the child comes into the employee’s care. × The following tables represent a guide to the voiceover rates typically charged by voice artists in the United Kingdom. the second period must be taken no later than twelve (12) months from the date of death for the purpose of attending a ceremony. For greater certainty, the following provisions shall be administered as provided herein: Overtime compensation referred to in clause 30.04 of this agreement shall only be applicable on a normal day for hours in excess of the employee’s daily scheduled hours of work. When an employee is required by the Employer to substantially perform the duties of a higher classification level in an acting capacity and performs those duties for at least three (3) consecutive days or shifts, the employee shall be paid acting pay calculated from the date on which he or she commenced to act as if he or she had been appointed to that higher classification level for the period in which he or she acts. The total domestic violence leave with pay which may be granted under this clause shall not exceed seventy-five (75) hours in a fiscal year. B.07 When a part-time employee is required to work on a day which is prescribed as a designated paid holiday for a full-time employee in clause 20.01 of this agreement, the employee shall be paid at time and one half (1 1/2) of the straight-time rate of pay for all time worked up to the regular daily scheduled hours of work as specified by this agreement and double (2) thereafter. The parties recognize that employees may be subject to domestic violence in their personal life that could affect their attendance at work and productivity. The Employer will make a reasonable effort to transfer the incumbent to a position having a level equivalent to that of the former group and/or level of the position. For the purposes of subsection (7), an order made by the Governor in Council is conclusive proof of the matters stated in the order in relation to the giving or making of an instruction, a direction or a regulation by or on behalf of the Government of Canada in the interest of the safety or security of Canada or any state allied or associated with Canada. As part of the provisions of this clause, attendance reporting shall be mutually agreed between the employee and the Employer. Two done-for-you cover letter templates that explain exactly how to use your work and educational experience to have hiring managers fighting to meet you. BE, FI). 40.15 Where an employee has been represented by the Association in the presentation of his or her grievance, the Employer will provide the appropriate representative of the Association with a copy of the Employer’s decision at each level of the grievance procedure at the same time that the Employer’s decision is conveyed to the employee. provide the employee with a receipt stating the date on which the grievance was received by the Employer. G.7 The Employer and the Association shall designate a representative and shall notify each other of the title of the person so designated together with the title and address of the officer-in charge to whom a grievance is to be presented. 9.03 The Employer will continue its present practice of making available to the Association specific locations on its premises, and where it is practical to do so on vessels, for the placement of reasonable quantities of literature of the Association. 30.08 All calculations made pursuant to this article are subject to clause 28.11. Employees with banked sick leave in excess of twenty-six (26) weeks, will be entitled to carry over those excess days to provide extended coverage at one hundred per cent (100%) income replacement prior to accessing LTD; internal case management and return-to-work services focused on supporting employees when ill or injured; an employee on EWSP will be considered to be on leave with pay; full costs of administering the EWSP to be borne by Employer; increase the quantum of family related leave by one (1) day. If you import goods into Great Britain from outside the UK or from outside the EU to Northern Ireland you may have to pay import VAT on goods. The effective dates for economic increases will be specified in the agreement. Employees shall earn sick leave credits at the rate prescribed in Article 22 of this agreement. 32.04 No standby payment shall be granted if an employee is unable to report for duty when required. G.9 The Employer and the Association shall normally reply to the grievance within sixty (60) days when the grievance is presented. As a first priority, the Steering Committee will develop a planning framework with timelines to guide work toward the timely implementation of the new EWSP. In the event that an incumbent declines an offer of transfer to a position as in subparagraph (i) above in the same geographic area, without good and sufficient reason, that incumbent shall be immediately paid at the rate of pay for the reclassified position. Leave with pay shall be granted to every employee, who is required: An employee shall be granted injury-on-duty leave with pay for such period as may be reasonably determined by the Employer when a claim has been made pursuant to the Government Employees’ Compensation Act, and a workers’ compensation authority has notified the Employer that it has certified that the employee is unable to work because of: if the employee agrees to remit to the Receiver General for Canada any amount received by him or her in compensation for loss of pay resulting from or in respect of such injury, illness or disease providing, however, that such amount does not stem from a personal disability policy for which the employee or the employee’s agent has paid the premium. 54.01 This collective agreement shall expire on June 21, 2022. An employee in respect of whom a group grievance has been presented may, at any time before a final decision is made in respect of the grievance, notify the Association that the employee no longer wishes to be involved in the group grievance. 22.06 Where, in respect of any period of compensatory leave, an employee is granted sick leave with pay on production of a medical certificate, the period of compensatory leave so displaced shall either be added to the compensatory leave period if requested by the employee and approved by the Employer or reinstated for use at a later date. 16.03 By mutual agreement, the parties may use a mediator in an attempt to settle a grievance dealing with discrimination. 40.32 Where it appears that the nature of the grievance is such that a decision cannot be given below a particular level of authority, any or all the levels, except the final level, may be eliminated by agreement of the Employer and the employee, and, where applicable, the Association. In accordance with Appendix “E” of the AV collective agreement, for the period prior to the salary change, retroactive amounts owed resulting from rate changes will be paid as lump-sum payments: 18.01 Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to impair in any manner whatsoever the authority of the Master. 19.03 An employee shall not be granted two (2) different types of leave with pay at the same time. If an employee has, in respect of any matter, availed himself or herself of a complaint procedure established by a policy of the Employer, the Association may not include that employee as one on whose behalf it presents a group grievance in respect of that matter if the policy expressly provides that an employee who avails himself or herself of the complaint procedure is precluded from participating in a group grievance under this article. 34.01 Upon written request, an employee shall be provided with a complete and current statement of the duties and responsibilities of his or her position, including the classification level and, where applicable, the point rating allotted by factor to his or her position, and an organization chart depicting the position’s place in the organization. An employee liquidating leave under subparagraphs (i) or (ii), shall use before the end of the vacation year, all vacation leave earned within a vacation year, or it will be paid at the employee’s daily rate of pay as calculated from the classification prescribed in the employee’s certificate of appointment of the employee’s substantive position on the last day of the vacation year. The pay noted in paragraphs (a) and (b) to which an employee is entitled, had he or she not worked on the holiday, is equivalent to seven decimal five (7.5) hours of pay at the straight-time rate of pay. 40.06 A grievance of an employee shall not be deemed to be invalid by reason only that it is not in accordance with the form supplied by the Employer. fails to satisfy the eligibility requirement specified in subparagraph 21.07(a)(ii) solely because a concurrent entitlement to benefits under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan, the Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or via the. This memorandum is to give effect to the agreement reached between the Employer and the Association respecting sessional leave for certain employees of the Translation Bureau. The selection of the mediator will be by mutual agreement. 13.01 Unless otherwise specified by the Employer as being in an area that could represent a conflict of interest, employees shall not be restricted in engaging in other employment outside the hours they are required to work for the Employer. Any overpayment in respect of such pay advances shall be an immediate first charge against any subsequent pay entitlements and shall be recovered in full prior to any further payment of salary. 231 Should the parties not be able to reach agreement on EWSP, the existing sick leave provisions, as currently stipulated in collective agreements, will remain in force. Second or subsequent day of rest means the second or subsequent day in an unbroken series of consecutive and contiguous calendar days of rest. 40.07 An employee who wishes to present a grievance at any prescribed level in the grievance procedure shall transmit this grievance to the employee’s immediate supervisor or local officer-in-charge who shall forthwith: 40.09 There shall be no more than a maximum of four (4) levels in the grievance procedure. The second period of leave under each paragraph can be granted provided that the employee has remained in the public service for a period of ten (10) years subsequent to the expiration of the first period of leave under the relevant paragraph. 54.02 Unless otherwise expressly stipulated, the provisions of this agreement shall become effective on the date it is signed. The maximum life of a schedule shall be six (6) months. for each week that the employee receives a maternity benefit under the Employment Insurance or the Québec Parental Insurance Plan, she is eligible to receive the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of her weekly rate of pay and the maternity benefit, less any other monies earned during this period which may result in a decrease in her maternity benefit to which she would have been eligible if no extra monies had been earned during this period. 53.01 This agreement may be amended by mutual consent. Adjustments will be made once the employee provides proof of receipt of Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan maternity benefits. Income tax bands are different if you live in Scotland . Employees may be required to submit monthly attendance registers; only those hours of overtime and absences need be specified. However, the extension shall end not later than one hundred and four (104) weeks after the day on which the child comes into the employee’s care. The duration of such leave shall be equal to the travel time multiplied by the appropriate rate of payment and payment shall be based on the employee’s hourly rate of pay in effect on the date immediately prior to the day on which the leave is taken. When an employee dies or otherwise ceases to be employed, the employee or the employee’s estate shall be paid an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the number of hours of earned but unused vacation leave with pay to the employee’s credit by the hourly rate of pay as calculated from the classification prescribed in the employee’s certificate of appointment of the substantive position on the date of the termination of the employee’s employment, except that the Employer shall grant the employee any vacation leave earned but not used by the employee before the employment is terminated by layoff if the employee so requests because of a requirement to meet minimum continuous employment requirements for severance pay. 11.04 The Employer agrees to distribute to each new employee an information package prepared and supplied by the Association. Time spent on such leave shall be counted for pay increment purposes. 40.33 The Association may by written notice to officer-in-charge withdraw a grievance. equal pay principle was Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation 1(recast)( ). D.01 A penological factor allowance (PFA) shall be payable to incumbents in some positions in the bargaining unit which are in Correctional Service Canada, subject to the following conditions. The weekly rate of pay referred to in paragraph (l) shall be: for a full-time employee, the employee’s weekly rate of pay on the day immediately preceding the commencement of parental leave without pay; for an employee who has been employed on a part-time or on a combined full-time and part-time basis during the six (6) month period preceding the commencement of parental leave without pay, the rate obtained by multiplying the weekly rate of pay in subparagraph (i) by the fraction obtained by dividing the employee’s straight-time earnings by the straight-time earnings the employee would have earned working full-time during such period.

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